
We live in a day and age where we expect to get information fast, and to have that information broken down into easily digestible snippets. We sometimes want to be able to share stories or thoughts without taking the time to write an entire article. This is where the concept of microblogging comes into play. 

There are a handful of platforms that use microblogs to share information, some of which you probably already use. We will look at some examples of microblog platforms in the following sections.

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We live in a day and age where we expect to get information fast, and to have that information broken down into easily digestible snippets. We sometimes want to be able to share stories or thoughts without taking the time to write an entire article. This is where the concept of microblogging comes into play. There are a handful of platforms that use microblogs to share information, some of which you probably already use. We will look at some examples of microblog platforms in the following sections.

Microblogging Definition

A microblog is a short piece of writing, videos, pictures, or gifs designed for quick and easy interactions. Posts are usually short, around 300 words or less. They're posted more frequently than a traditional blog post – sometimes multiple times per day.

You may use microblogging platforms to share articles, products, or fundraisers. This type of sharing is popular on apps you're probably familiar with – Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. There is no requirement to use these platforms and start your microblog. You can choose any of them, but using multiple platforms is common.

Microblogging, Microblogging Apps Social Media, StudySmarterFig. 1 - Apps can help you microblog.

Difference Between Blogs and Microblogs

Microblogging differs from regular blogging in a number of ways.

Blogging is usually going to consist of long-form content. This means that posts are at least a thousand words, but there's no limit to how long they can be.

Blog posts are going to be more comprehensive simply because they have more words. Blogging goes in-depth with stories or instructional content,

On the other hand, microblogging is usually meant to be read on your mobile phone and tends to stay significantly shorter.

Some microblogging platforms have a character limit that keeps posts intentionally short. This helps keep people engaged with the content posted. These shorter posts are interactive, personable, and relatable. You can use emojis freely in any microblog post.

One disadvantage of microblogging is that you don't own the platform that you post on like you would on a blogging platform, i.e. you own www.yourbloggingwebsite.com. A company can remove you from their platform at any time.

Here is a table to help you easily remember the differences between blogging and microblogging.

Long entries — over a thousand wordsShorter posts — less than three hundred words
Article-like postsHeadline-like entries
Weekly or monthly postsFrequent posts, sometimes multiple times a day
Website that shares information about a related topicCommon on social apps (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook)
You can own your own blog and contentThe platform owns the microblog and content

Personal vs. Business Microblogs

Microblogs are designed to be interactive so that people can quickly interact with posts. This is beneficial for both personal and business accounts.

A personal microblog allows you to share personal stories or updates, images and videos of hobbies, and thoughts you may have. Posts can be just a few words, too, especially if it's just for a quick update.

On the other hand, a business uses microblogging to promote its business. Think of a fast food chain posting advertisements and trends on its Twitter feed.

A microblogging platform (e.g., LinkedIn) can be very useful for networking. These microblogging platforms usually have business accounts available where businesses can pay for ads and marketing to reach a larger audience.

Different Microblogging Platforms

Microblogging platforms are really common and are used daily by millions of people worldwide. They can be incredibly useful because you have the option to add links or videos to these platforms.

This makes it easier to share shorter posts while still providing good information – even if the character limit is 300. Here are some of the most commonly used sites.

Microblogging: Facebook

You might use Facebook as a personal microblog platform instead of a blog platform to keep your friends and family members in the loop on your day-to-day activities. It can be used to quickly share updates on natural disasters, sports, political or local events going on around you. A Facebook status update might look something like this:

Update! We are all safe after the windstorm last night! Thanks everyone for checking in on us!

Facebook is popular for businesses because so many people use this platform. It can save on marketing costs and help a business reach a lot more people by posting updates, events, and products.

Microblogging: Instagram

Instagram is similar to a blog format, only shorter. It's used to share common interests, hobbies, and photos.

A business can use it as a platform to promote products or sales. The image and content below are examples of what might be shared by a business on this platform.

Microblogging, Instagram Microblog for Business, StudySmarterFig. 2 - Instagram microblog for business.

We've got a new product just in time for Mother's Day!

Check out this cute mug. This design is sure to

melt her heart this year. Order this perfect gift for

mom now, before it's too late!

Click the link in our bio to purchase. #mothersday

#gifts #cutemugs #holidays

Microblogging: Twitter

Twitter is often used to post random thoughts or ideas by a personal user. Businesses might use it for quick communication or to share links to their longer articles. These posts are easily re-sharable or "retweeted" so that a lot of people can see what was posted.

Microblogging, Twitter as a Personal Microblog, StudySmarterFig. 3 - Twitter as a personal microblog.

Microblogging Examples

As we mentioned in the introduction, you are probably aware of – or already use – microblogging platforms. Below you will see some microblogging samples that can go on popular platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Microblogging, Instagram Microblog Post, StudySmarterFig. 4 - Instagram microblog post.

In this first example, the picture and commentary are suited to Instagram.

The microblog isn't complete unless it contains some comment underneath the image. This is where you could share the recipe and hashtags. We'll talk about the purpose of hashtags later.





Two 8oz salmon filets

Three large green tomatoes

Pink himalayan salt

Fresh Parsley

Italian seasoning

Olive oil





Place salmon and quartered

tomatoes in baking dish. Liberally

apply olive oil. Sprinkle with salt,

Italian seasoning, and a few sprigs

of parsley. Roast in the oven on

broil for 25 minutes.

#healthyfoods #cookingathome

#friedgreentomatoes #fishdish

In this second example, a business is using a Tweet to promote a product and uses hashtags to help users find their page easier.

Microblogging, Business on Twitter Example, StudySmarterFig. 5 - Business on Twitter example.

Microblogging and the News

Several journalism sites use Twitter or other microblogging platforms to share headlines and links to their articles. This is a great way to alert the masses about breaking world events. Some microblogging news outlets are The BBC, New York Times, and Al Jazeera.

A problem with getting news from microblogging platforms is verifying the truth. This is why microblogs are only considered "news sources" if they fit the criteria for journalism: verification, independence, and accountability.1

Microblogging and Social Media

If you use any social media platforms, you probably have plenty of experience in microblogging. The combination of the two has changed the way we share information. Remember that microblogging is useful to share things quickly and to a broad audience. There are tools that microblogging platforms have so your content can be found even easier. One tool you're probably familiar with is hashtags. Hashtags allow users to find posts that fall under the same tag. So if you're looking for pictures of a recent local event, you might search for #localevent or #event. Hashtags used on microblog platforms get exponentially more traffic to those posts.

Microblogging, Social Media and Microblogs, StudySmarterFig. 6 - Microblogs and social media.

Here are some popular social media platforms that are considered microblog platforms:

  • Twitter

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Tumblr

  • Pinterest

  • TikTok

  • LinkedIn

  • Snapchat

Private Microblogging

Twitter is a great app to use if you want to publicly reach many people at once, or have your post shared quickly and easily. If you don't want to share posts publicly though, Twitter might not be the right platform to use. Some microblogging platforms have private messaging options so that you don't have to post messages to friends publicly if you don't want to.

You can create group messages, too!

Another reason you might want a private platform is if you're in a classroom environment. Teachers, administrators, and students may wish to use a private microblogging platform that allows only members to see posts.

This allows members to post short messages that would be related to sensitive school-related content. Businesses can also create private microblogging accounts for all employees as well. This keeps posts and articles private within the company.Platforms for Private Microblogging

  • Yammer

  • Swabr

  • Social Media Private Messaging

    • Instagram

    • Facebook

    • Snapchat

  • Social Media Private Profiles

    • These types of platforms allow you to make your profile private. So if you have a Twitter account, even though it is traditionally a public platform, you can choose to make it private.

Microblogging has changed the way we share information around the world. With such short messages, it leaves you room to create even more content than you would with a regular blog.

These platforms can help you get your name out there if you're just starting your online presence too. You don't even have to have a computer -- you can access a microblog anytime, anywhere, so long as you have your smartphone.

Microblogging - Key Takeaways

  • Microblogging is a short piece of content designed for quick interactions.
  • Microblogs differ from blogs because they are shorter and aimed at mobile phone users.
  • There is usually a character limit of under three hundred words per post.
  • Microblogging is common on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Hashtags are helpful when trying to share your information.

1. Sissel McCarthy, What is microblogging, and is it considered news if it has an audience and reports on real events? 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions about Microblogging

A blog has longer, more comprehensive content. A microblog is shorter and designed for mobile users.

Microblogging is a short piece of content designed for quick interactions.

Anyone can microblog if you have a smartphone or tablet. All you need is a microblogging platform like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or Facebook.

A microblogging site is anywhere that you can post microblog content. It's usually on a social media app like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

Microblogging is used for personal use, business promotion, or news.

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

Which of these is not a microblogging platform?

Which of these doesn't represent journalism?

How many characters is acceptable for a microblog?


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