Figure of Speech

"It's just a figure of speech!" You've probably heard this sentence once or twice before. Perhaps when someone said something that seemed not to make any sense, or maybe they were overly exaggerating something.

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Figure of Speech


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"It's just a figure of speech!" You've probably heard this sentence once or twice before. Perhaps when someone said something that seemed not to make any sense, or maybe they were overly exaggerating something.

There are many figures of speech in English, and they are a feature of language that can give depth and a more nuanced meaning to the things we say. To fully understand this linguistic phenomenon, we must learn about the types of figures of speech and consolidate this knowledge with some examples.

Figure of Speech, man thinking, StudySmarterFig 1. - If you're stuck for ways to make your writing more interesting, why not try a figure of speech?

Figure of Speech: meaning

Even if you've heard the phrase before, it's a good idea to get a firm grasp on the meaning of a "figure of speech":

A figure of speech is a rhetorical device where the meaning of a word or phrase cannot be directly interpreted from the words used. In other words, figures of speech are words or phrases that mean something other than the literal meaning of their words.

Rhetorical devices are techniques used by a writer (or speaker) to convey meaning to an audience, evoke an emotional response, and often persuade or convince the audience of something.

Figures of speech can be used in verbal communication (as implied by the word "speech") as well as in writing. They help us to build vivid mental images in the minds of our listeners and readers, depending on whether we're speaking or writing.

Figures of speech can be used in fictional and non-fictional writing and can achieve a range of different effects, which we will go on to explore throughout this article.

Figure of Speech in English

What is the significance of figures of speech in English? Why do we bother using them?

Figures of speech can be used for many different reasons, depending on the effect we want to achieve. They can be used to:

  • Make descriptions of people, places, and things more interesting and engaging (e.g., The ocean stretched out like an endless blue-green carpet.)

  • Emphasize an emotion (e.g., Her sadness was a supervolcano, ready to erupt at any moment.)

  • Add a sense of urgency or excitement (e.g., Bang! Pop! The barn crumpled to the ground as the flames enveloped the last wooden posts holding it up.)

  • Draw comparisons between different subjects (e.g., The puppy hurtled into the waves, but the old dog just watched, stiller than a petrified tree in the forest.)

The effect created by a figure of speech will depend largely on the type of figure of speech being used. Let's delve into this a bit deeper now:

Types of Figures of Speech

There are so many different types of figures of speech! Check out this list:

  • metaphor: saying something IS another thing

  • simile: saying something is LIKE another thing

  • irony: conveying meaning through words that usually mean the opposite

  • idiom: words or phrases whose meaning is different than the words themselves

  • euphemism: an indirect word or phrase used to soften the blow of harsh or sensitive topics

  • oxymoron: when contradictory terms are used together to create meaning

  • metonymy: when a concept is referred to using a term closely associated with that concept

  • hyperbole: an extreme exaggeration that is not to be taken literally

  • pun: a humorous expression that uses alternative meanings of a word or words that sound alike but have different meanings

  • epigram: a brief, punchy, and memorable phrase or expression, often used for satirical effect

  • circumlocution: using many words in place of concision (being brief and uncomplicated) in order to come across as vague or ambiguous

  • onomatopoeia: words that sound like the sound they are named after

  • personification: attributing human-like qualities to non-human things

This list is by no means exhaustive of all the kinds of figures of speech that exist; however, it should give you a good idea of the kinds of effects that figures of speech can create.

Figure of Speech, book come to life, StudySmarterFig 2. - Figures of speech can bring writing to life!

Let's explore a few of the more common ones in a bit more detail:

Metaphor in Figure of Speech

Metaphors liken one thing to another by saying that one thing is the other. Metaphors have been widely used in literature across all genres. Here is an example from Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare (1597):

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!"

-Romeo and Juliet, W. Shakespeare, 1597 1

In this example, we see Juliet being likened to the sun in the metaphor, "and Juliet is the sun." This metaphor conveys Romeo's love for Juliet, as he describes her as being as important and bright as the sun itself.

Oxymoron in Figure of Speech

An oxymoron is when two words with opposite meanings are placed together, usually to emphasize the meaning of the second word. Here's a line from Alfred Tennyson's Lancelot and Elaine (1870), which contains two oxymorons:

His honour rooted in dishonour stood, and faith unfaithful kept him falsely true."

-A. Tennyson, Lancelot and Elaine, 1870 2

In this example, we have two oxymorons: "faith unfaithful" and "falsely true." Both of these oxymorons work to convey that Lancelot is a paradox of honor and dishonor, sometimes honest and sometimes dishonest. Because "unfaithful" and "true" are the last words of each oxymoron, the reader gets the sense that Lancelot is very much both of these things, which in itself is another oxymoron!

Fun fact! The word "oxymoron" itself is an oxymoron. The word is comprised of two words of Greek origin: oxus (meaning "sharp") and moros (meaning "dull"). Directly translated, that makes "oxymoron" into "sharpdull."

Idiom in Figure of Speech

Idioms are phrases where the words literally mean something else entirely than their face-value meaning. Idioms have been widely used in literature too.

The world is an oyster, but you don't crack it open on a mattress!"

-A. Miller, Death of a Salesman, 1949 3

You might have heard the phrase "the world is your oyster," which has nothing to do with actual oysters but is an expression of hope and optimism. In Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman uses this idiom and extends it further by saying, "you don't crack it open on a mattress." Willy is talking to his son, Happy, explaining that he could do anything with his life, but he has to work hard for it.

Simile in Figure of Speech

Similes are similar to metaphors, but instead of comparing two things by saying one is the other, similes say that one thing is like another. Similes must include the words "like" or "as." Here's an example of a "like" simile:

...she tried to get rid of the kitten which had scrambled up her back and stuck like a burr just out of reach."

-L.M. Alcott, Little Women, 1868 4

In this example, the character tries to catch one of the kittens her sister brought home. Using the simile "stuck like a burr" to describe the kitten shows that the character is uncomfortable with the kitten on her back and that it is difficult to remove. Burrs are often spiky, which gives the reader a sense of the kitten's claws.

Figure of Speech, burr, StudySmarterFig 3. - An example of a spikey burr. A burr is a seed or dried fruit that has hairs, thorns, or hooked spines.

Hyperbole in Figure of Speech

Hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally and often conveys an extreme exaggeration of something. Writers use hyperbole to emphasize emotions or to create a sense that something is extreme in some way (extremely hungry, small, fast, clever, etc.). Here's an example from William Goldman's The Princess Bride (1973):

I died that day!"

-W. Goldman, The Princess Bride, 1973 5

In this example, Princess Buttercup is trying to express how devastated she was when Westley was killed by Dread Pirate Roberts. The fact that she is still around and speaking shows that she did not literally die. However, the reader gets a sense that the pain of losing her love felt as intense as death. There is also a sense that without Westley, Princess Buttercup is trying to convey that she is no longer full of life.

Examples of Figure of Speech

So, we've already seen some examples of some different figures of speech in literature, but now we'll end this article by looking at some general examples of figures of speech:

  • metaphor: "Love is a cruel mistress."

  • simile: "She is as lovely as a rose."

  • idiom: "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

  • hyperbole: "I'm so hungry I could eat a chest of drawers!"

  • oxymoron: "pretty ugly", "seriously funny", "clearly confused"

  • irony: (on a rainy day) "What a beautiful day!"

  • euphemism: "He kicked the bucket."

  • metonymy: "Long live the crown!" (referring to a king or queen)

  • pun: "English students have a lot of comma sense."

  • epigram: "With great power comes great responsibility."

  • circumlocution: "There is a possibility that I might potentially have been slightly dishonest." (instead of saying, "I lied")

  • onomatopoeia: "Bang!" "sizzle," "Cuckoo!"

  • personification: "The clouds were angry."

Figure of Speech, Pow!, StudySmarterFig 4. Comic books are a great place to find lots of onomatopoeias: Pow! Bang! Zap!

Figure of Speech - Key takeaways

  • A figure of speech is a figurative or rhetorical device used to emphasize the meaning of what is being said.
  • There are many kinds of figures of speech, including metaphors, similes, puns, hyperbole, euphemisms, onomatopoeia, and idioms.
  • Each kind of figure of speech creates a different effect.
  • Figures of speech can be used in verbal communication as well as in fictional and non-fictional writing.
  • Figures of speech of all kinds have been widely used in literature, including in Shakespeare's works, plays such as Death of a Salesman, and modern novels.


  1. W. Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 1597
  2. A. Tennyson, Lancelot and Elaine, 1870
  3. A. Miller, Death of a Salesman, 1949
  4. L.M. Alcott, Little Women, 1868
  5. W. Goldman, The Princess Bride, 1973

Frequently Asked Questions about Figure of Speech

Some of the basic, or indeed most commonly used, figures of speech include: 

  • metaphors
  • puns
  • similes
  • hyperbole
  • oxymorons
  • personification

This is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more figures of speech that are also widely used. 

Some types of figures of speech include: 

  • similes
  • metaphors
  • puns
  • idioms
  • euphemisms
  • irony
  • hyperbole
  • metonymy
  • epigrams
  • circumlocation
  • onomatopoeia

This is not an exhaustive list. 

Personification is when human-like qualities are attributed to non-human entities. 

e.g., "The clouds were angry."

Some examples of irony: 

  • If the weather is terrible, you might say "What a beautiful day!"
  • If you have the flu and feel awful and someone asks how you are, you might say "Never been better!"
  • If you buy something from a gift shop and it's really expensive, you might say "wow, cheap and cheerful!"

Four metaphors:

  • She was a cheetah, running past all the other sprinters to the finish line.
  • The house was a freezer.
  • Love is a cruel mistress.
  • He said his daughter was the apple of his eye.

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

What is a figure of speech?

True or false, figures of speech are only used in fictional writing and verbal conversation.

What figure of speech is this an example of:"I've never read Sylvia Plath."


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