Biological Pest Control

A pest species is any organism that negatively affects humans or the environment. Pest species vary significantly in type, and a species that may be considered a pest in one culture may be beneficial in another. Examples of pest species include insects that damage crops, rodents (such as rats) that move into human habitation and may be vectors for disease, and invasive species.

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In 1935, in an example of importation biological pest control, _________ were introduced to tropical northern Queensland along the eastern coast of Australia in an effort to control the populations of two pest beetle species that were decimating crops.

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A(n) _____________ is an organism that has been introduced to an area in which it is not native and negatively impacts the native ecosystem. 

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True or False: Despite the ecological damage caused by the cane toad, their release did reduce the population of crop pests.

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In an effort to combat the cane toad expansion through ___________, large numbers of keelbacks were released into wetlands and other areas severely affected by the toads.

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The management of pest species in order to mitigate adverse consequences is known as _________.

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The three different types of biological pest control are- 

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A _________ is defined as any organism that negatively affects humans or the environment.

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In __________ pest control, a native species that is a natural enemy (a predator or parasite, for example) of the pest species is released into the ecosystem in greatly increased numbers, in an effort to reduce the population of the pest species. 

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_________ pest control involves the conservation of the native enemy species, in an effort to boost its population size.

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Also known as classical biological pest control, __________ involves releasing a non-native enemy of a pest species into an ecosystem in an effort to control the pest species numbers.

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What are the four methods of biological pest control?

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In 1935, in an example of importation biological pest control, _________ were introduced to tropical northern Queensland along the eastern coast of Australia in an effort to control the populations of two pest beetle species that were decimating crops.

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A(n) _____________ is an organism that has been introduced to an area in which it is not native and negatively impacts the native ecosystem. 

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True or False: Despite the ecological damage caused by the cane toad, their release did reduce the population of crop pests.

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In an effort to combat the cane toad expansion through ___________, large numbers of keelbacks were released into wetlands and other areas severely affected by the toads.

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The management of pest species in order to mitigate adverse consequences is known as _________.

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The three different types of biological pest control are- 

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A _________ is defined as any organism that negatively affects humans or the environment.

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In __________ pest control, a native species that is a natural enemy (a predator or parasite, for example) of the pest species is released into the ecosystem in greatly increased numbers, in an effort to reduce the population of the pest species. 

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_________ pest control involves the conservation of the native enemy species, in an effort to boost its population size.

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Also known as classical biological pest control, __________ involves releasing a non-native enemy of a pest species into an ecosystem in an effort to control the pest species numbers.

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What are the four methods of biological pest control?

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Table of contents

    An invasive species is an organism that has been introduced to an area in which it is not native and negatively impacts the native ecosystem.

    The difference between an introduced species and an invasive species is that the former species have either a beneficial or neutral impact on the native ecosystem.

    Pest control is known to manage pest species to mitigate adverse consequences. Pests can be controlled in several ways, including through biological, mechanical, and eradication methods.

    • In the following, we will discuss biological pest control.
    • First, we’ll see the definition of biological pest control.
    • Then we’ll describe the methods of biological pest control.
    • We’ll continue with the benefits of biological pest control,
    • but we’ll also analyse its challenges.
    • We’ll finish with some examples of biological pest control, both positive and negative.

    The definition of biological pest control

    The definition of biological pest control is the use of methods for controlling the population of a pest species using another organism. There are generally considered to be three different types of biological pest control- augmentation, conservation, and importation.


    In augmentation pest control, a native species that is a natural enemy (a predator or parasite, for example) of the pest species is released into the ecosystem in significantly increased numbers in an effort to reduce the population of the pest species.

    Since the species that is released is native to the ecosystem, the potential negative consequences of its release are minimal.

    For example, a given invasive species may be similar to the natural, native prey of a native predator. If this native predator is released into the ecosystem in unnaturally high numbers, it may decimate the population of the invasive species.


    Pest control through conservation is very similar to augmentation. Instead of releasing a native enemy species, it involves the conservation of the native enemy species in an effort to boost its population size.

    For example, in Yellowstone National Park, the conservation of the grey wolf (Canis lupus) has resulted in increased predation upon elk and deer, thus reducing the overgrazing occurring and bringing the ecosystem back into balance.


    Also known as classical biological pest control, importation involves releasing a non-native enemy of a pest species into an ecosystem in an effort to control the pest species' numbers. Although this has proven successful at times, it can be potentially problematic, as the introduced species may become an invasive pest species.

    Methods of biological pest control

    There are generally considered to be four methods of biological pest control: predation, parasitoidism, competition, and pathogen introduction.

    Biological Pest Control Methods of biological pest control, example marter

    Fig. 1: An ichneumon wasp, a parasitoid species often used for predation, one of the biological pest control methods.


    The predators of a pest species may be augmented, conserved or imported to lower the population of the pest species to a more manageable level. However, it is unlikely to be eradicated. Predation can be an attractive pest control option when it involves native predator species, but significant negative impacts can arise if a non-native predator species is introduced (Fig. 1).


    A parasitoid species can be used to lower the population size of the pest species that host their larvae.

    Wasps of the Ichneumonidae family, for example, lay their eggs on or in caterpillars. Once the eggs hatch, the ichneumon wasp larvae consume the caterpillar. This can be useful for mitigating the damage caused by certain caterpillars to crops.

    The main difference between a parasitoid and a parasite is that parasites actually live within or on the surface of an organism. In contrast, a parasitoid produces larvae that act as parasites.


    Another method of biological pest control involves the introduction of a competitor species into the ecosystem. This results in interspecific competition, thus reducing the fitness of the pest species.

    Interspecific competition refers to the competition between two different species.

    Intraspecific competition involves competition within the same species.

    Fitness, in the evolutionary sense, refers to an organism's survival and reproductive success.

    The introduction of pathogens

    Pathogens are agents that cause disease in living organisms. These agents may be living (bacteria and fungi) or non-living (viruses). Pathogens can be very effective forms of pest control since they are an example of a density-dependent limiting factor and will generally increase in frequency as a pest population's size increases.

    The larger the population, the greater the impact of density-dependent limiting factors.

    Examples include increased predation, the spread of disease, and resource depletion.

    Density-dependent limiting factors are factors that limit population growth based on population size.

    On the other hand, density-independent limiting factors occur independently of a species' population status, such as volcanic eruptions.

    Benefits of biological pest control

    There are many benefits to biological pest control. If carefully implemented, it can be environmentally safe and sustainable. It is also usually much more cost-effective than other methods of pest control.

    - Extensive preplanning and research can ensure that the biological agent will only affect the target organism. In addition, these biological agents are free-living and self-sustaining, thus requiring minimal management.

    - Biological pest control is also likely to have little or no impact on human health, in contrast to some chemical forms of pest control, such as pesticides.

    - It is less probable that pest organisms will develop resistance to predators, competitors, or parasitoids, while they can build up resistance to certain chemicals (as well as pathogenic biological pest control agents).

    Challenges of the biological method of pest control

    There are many challenges posed by biological pest control, mainly if it is not carefully implemented. Introducing non-native organisms can have unexpected negative impacts on non-target species and the environment.

    • If the non-native organism is a predator, it may prey upon many non-target species, sometimes to an even greater degree than the target species.

    In addition to damaging non-target populations, this can be counterproductive to the goal, as it may result in the decline of competitor populations and the proliferation of the pest species.

    Introduced pathogens can also infect non-target species, resulting in large-scale mortality.

    Biological pest control can also be a prolonged and gradual process since it relies on predation, competition, and disease spread, rather than quick eradication. For this reason, biological pest control is not recommended for pest eradication but rather for pest management.

    Examples of biological pest control

    Varying methods of pest control have been used for many years as a way to maintain or even eradicate certain pests. Sometimes these control methods are successful, and other times they prove to be more damaging! Let's take a look at a few examples of both.

    Biological Pest Control Methods of biological pest control, example, alfalfa weevil StudySmarterFig. 3: An alfalfa weevil, an introduced pest species of alfalfa crops in the United States.

    Negative examples

    Cane toads (Rhinella marina) are a species of very large, terrestrial toads native to Central and South America.

    It is also a highly toxic species, with poison glands capable of killing many potential predators, even tadpoles.

    Biological Pest Control Methods of biological pest control, example, cane toad StudySmarter

    Fig. 2: A cane toad, native to Central and South America, but a major invasive species in Australia. It was introduced there for predation, one of the methods of biological pest control.

    In 1935, as an example of importation biological pest control, cane toads were introduced to Australia to control the populations of two pest beetle species that were decimating crops. Unfortunately, this resulted in an unprecedented ecological disaster, as the cane toads had no significant impact on the beetle population and became an even more catastrophic pest species.

    Since the ingestion of cane toads proved fatal for most potential predators, many Australian predators' populations plummeted, and the cane toad population grew exponentially, reaching roughly 200 million.

    The keelback snake (Tropidonophis mairii) is a species of non-venomous colubrid native to northern Australia that preys upon toads and is immune to the cane toad's poison.

    In an effort to combat the cane toad expansion through augmentation, large numbers of keelbacks were released into wetlands and other areas severely affected by the toads. Sadly, this attempt does not appear to have significantly impacted the toad population.

    One of the oldest and most well-known forms of biological pest control involved the domestication of cats (Felis catus). Cats were and, in some areas, still are used to control the populations of pest species, particularly mice and rats.

    Unfortunately, this form of biological pest control is a fine example of what NOT to do! Domestic cats often escape into the wild to become feral and decimate wildlife populations.

    It is currently estimated that there could be up to 100 million feral cats on Earth, which kill up to 25 million individual animals of various non-target wildlife species annually.

    Combating this problem is complex since cats are emotionally intelligent mammals with a strong bond with many humans, but some methods have shown promise. The most popular form of controlling the feral cat population involves the spaying and neutering of cats, which can then be either released back into the wild (where they cannot breed and increase the population) or kept in captivity for humans to adopt.

    Positive example

    The European alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica) was introduced to the United States during the early 20th Century and had become an important pest of alfalfa crops by the 1970s.

    • Two species of parasitoid ichneumon wasp (Bathylplectes anurus and B. curculionis) were introduced to combat this pest.

      Of the two species, it was found that B. curculionis was the most effective.

    • In addition, a pathogen in the form of a fungus (Zoophthora phytonomi) was introduced because it was found to be fatal to the weevil's larvae.

    Combining these two forms of biological pest control has made the weevil population manageable with negligible impact on the crops, non-target species, and the surrounding environment.

    Biological Pest Control - Key takeaways

    • Biological pest control refers to the method of controlling the population of a pest species using another organism.

    • There are generally considered to be three different types of biological pest control- augmentation, conservation, and importation.

    • There are generally considered to be four methods of biological pest control- predation, parasitoidism, competition, and pathogen introduction.

    • Biological pest control can be cost-effective, sustainable and environmentally sound if carefully implemented.

    • If implemented poorly, biological pest control can cause severe damage to the environment and non-target species.


    1. Fig. 1: Ichneumon Wasp ( by Christina Butler (, under CC BY 2.0 License
    2. Fig. 2: Hypera postica ( by xpda, under CC BY-SA 4.0 License
    3. Fig. 3: Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) adult female ( by Bernard DUPONT (, under CC BY-SA 2.0 License
    Frequently Asked Questions about Biological Pest Control

    What is meant by biological pest control?

    Biological pest control means controlling the population of a pest species using another organism.

    What are the biological methods of pest control?

    The biological methods of pest control are generally considered to be four- predation, parasitoidism, competition, and pathogen introduction.

    What are the advantages of biological methods of pest control?

    The advantages of biological methods of pest control are that it can be cost-effective, sustainable and environmentally sound if carefully implemented.

    What are the disadvantages of biological methods of pest control?

    The disadvantages of biological methods of pest control include: The introduction of non-native organisms can have unexpected negative impacts on non-target species and on the environment. If the non-native organism is a predator, it may end up preying upon many non-target species, sometimes to an even greater degree than the target species. It is also a very slow process.

    Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

    In 1935, in an example of importation biological pest control, _________ were introduced to tropical northern Queensland along the eastern coast of Australia in an effort to control the populations of two pest beetle species that were decimating crops.

    True or False: Despite the ecological damage caused by the cane toad, their release did reduce the population of crop pests.

    In an effort to combat the cane toad expansion through ___________, large numbers of keelbacks were released into wetlands and other areas severely affected by the toads.


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