DC Circuit

Rechargeable batteries are a great way to reduce our carbon footprint. The production of a singular rechargeable battery that can be used over and over again is much less than that of single-use batteries, which must be disposed of once they lose their charge. To recreate the potential difference of a fully charged battery, current must flow in one direction into the battery. That corresponds perfectly with the nature of direct current constantly flowing in the same direction. As a result, we must utilize a DC circuit to recharge batteries. The same principle applies to all rechargeable appliances such as mobile phones and laptops. These, however, are slightly more complicated, as the supply current relies on alternating (AC) circuits, so the charger must first convert AC into DC. In this article, we'll explain direct current for different types of circuits and compare it to alternating current circuits.

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DC Circuit


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Rechargeable batteries are a great way to reduce our carbon footprint. The production of a singular rechargeable battery that can be used over and over again is much less than that of single-use batteries, which must be disposed of once they lose their charge. To recreate the potential difference of a fully charged battery, current must flow in one direction into the battery. That corresponds perfectly with the nature of direct current constantly flowing in the same direction. As a result, we must utilize a DC circuit to recharge batteries. The same principle applies to all rechargeable appliances such as mobile phones and laptops. These, however, are slightly more complicated, as the supply current relies on alternating (AC) circuits, so the charger must first convert AC into DC. In this article, we'll explain direct current for different types of circuits and compare it to alternating current circuits.

Definition of Direct Current

To understand the concept of a direct current circuit, we first must understand what exactly is direct current.

In a closed electric circuit, current \(I\) flows only if there is a potential difference \(V\) between the poles of the power source. This potential difference can be achieved and maintained by doing work done by external forces.

One way of achieving that is by converting chemical energy into electrical energy through chemical reactions. These occur in electrolytes, which are chemicals that conduct electricity due to the presence of positively and negatively charged ions. When electrodes of two different metals are immersed in an electrolyte, ions transfer electric charges between the electrodes, creating a potential difference between them. In this case, the work done happens at the expense of the chemical energy of the system.

That's how all voltaic cells and batteries operate, resulting in something known as a DC voltage which induces a direct current.

Direct current (DC) is the flow of electric charge in one direction.

Now let's apply this concept to a simple circuit.

Meaning of DC Circuit

In a DC circuit, the current flows from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery. The constant direction of the current is displayed in Figure 1 below.

This is the conventional flow of current. In actuality, negatively charged electrons are attracted to the positively charged end of the battery, so electrons travel opposite to the defined current flow.

Direct Current (DC) Circuits A circuit diagram consisting of a battery and a resistor, where circuit is flowing in one direction StudySmarterFig. 1 - The flow of charge in a direct current circuit is always in the same direction.

This is a very basic depiction of what a DC circuit can look like. It consists of three key elements necessary for a circuit to function: an energy source (a battery), an energy consumer (a resistor), and conductive paths (wires).

In an ideal world, the energy source and the conductive paths would have negligible internal resistance. Such elements are known as ideal batteries and ideal wires. Even though these types of elements don't exist, we can make reasonable assumptions based on the circumstances.

If the circuit contains any other elements with resistance, we can ignore the internal resistance of the wires, as it's comparatively tiny. The internal resistance of an ideal battery can be determined by measuring the potential difference of the energy source across the terminals. This measurement is known as the electromotive force.

Electromotive force is the amount of energy a battery supplies per unit charge that passes through it.

It's usually denoted by \(\varepsilon\) or "emf" and is measured in volts (\(\mathrm{V}\)).

Things get more complicated as we add more consumers to a DC circuit. In general, there are two ways of connecting elements in circuits: series and parallel. Let's look at each type more in-depth.

DC Series Circuit

The first way of assembling elements in a circuit is in series.

A series connection is one in which circuit elements are connected such that any charge passing through one element must proceed through the other and has no other path available between them.

In a DC series circuit, the same current \(I\) is flowing through all components, without changing its direction.

Simple Circuits Series connection consisting of three resistors StudySmarterFig. 2 - A series circuit diagram consisting of three resistors.

A potential difference \(V\) occurs on each of the elements and differs depending on their resistance. The total potential difference can be expressed as

\[ V_\text{series}=\sum_{i=1}^n V_i=V_1+V_2+ \dots,\]

where \(n\) indicates the number of consumers.

All the resistors in the series connection can be replaced by one equivalent consumer, whose potential difference can be found by using the total resistance of all the resistors together rather than individually. The equation for finding the total resistance of a series connection is

\[R_\mathrm{series}=\sum_{i=1}^nR_i=R_1+R_2+ \dots.\]

As discussed earlier, in the case of a non-ideal battery, we also must account for its internal resistance. That can be done by simply treating the energy source as an additional resistor connected in series within the battery and the circuit. If there is a non-zero current flowing through the circuit, we can calculate the potential difference across the battery's terminals using the following equation:

\[\Delta V_\mathrm{terminal}=\varepsilon -Ir,\]

where \(\Delta V_\mathrm{terminal}\) is the potential difference between the battery’s terminals, \(\varepsilon\) is the electromotive force, \(I\) is the current, and \(r\) is the internal resistance of the battery.

DC Parallel Circuit

The other circuit type to consider is parallel.

A parallel connection is one in which charges may pass through one of two or more paths.

The electric current \(I\), flowing from the positive pole of the source, is divided among all elements and then merges again at the negative pole of the battery. Even with all the additional paths, the direction of the flow of charges remains constant.

Simple Circuits Parallel connection consisting of three resistors StudySmarterFig. 3 - A parallel circuit diagram consisting of three resistors.

In a parallel circuit, the potential difference \(V\) is the same across each path, provided by the electromotive force of the power source. The total current, on the other hand, is the sum of the current through the individual components:

\[ I_\text{parallel}=\sum_{i=1}^n I_i=I_1+I_2+\dots,\]

where \(n\) once again indicates the number of consumers.

Finally, the reciprocal of the total resistance is the sum of the reciprocals of all consumer resistances:

\[\frac{1}{R_\mathrm{parallel}}=\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{1}{R_i} =\frac{1}{R_1}+\frac{1}{R_2}+\dots.\]

DC Circuit Rules

All the circuit rules relevant to this topic are compiled in the table below.

Table 1 - DC circuit rules.

Ohm's law
\(I=\frac{\Delta V}{R}\)
\(I\) - current\(V\) - electric potential\(R\) - resistance
Power in an electric circuit
\(P=I\Delta V= I^2R=\frac{\Delta V^2}{R}\)
\(P\) - power\(I\) - current\(V\) - electric potential\(R\) - resistance
Resistance in a parallel circuit
\(\frac{1}{R_\mathrm{parallel}}= \sum_{i=1}^n\frac{1}{R_i}\)
\(R\) - resistance
Resistance in a series circuit
\(R\) - resistance
Potential difference between battery's terminals
\(\Delta V_\mathrm{terminal}=\varepsilon -Ir\)
\(I\) - current\(V\) - electric potential\(\varepsilon\) - emf\(r\) - internal resistance
Energy changes in an electric circuit
\(\Delta U_\mathrm{elec}=q\Delta V\)
\(U\) - potential energy\(q\) - point charge\(V\) - electric potential
Kirchhoff's loop rule
\(\sum \Delta V = 0\)
\(V\) - electric potential
Kirchhoff's junction rule
\(\sum I_\mathrm{in}=\sum I_\mathrm{out}\)
\(I\) - current

AC vs. DC Circuits

Another way in which current can flow is known as alternating current.

Alternating current (AC) is the flow of electric charge that periodically changes directions.

In the AC circuit displayed below, instead of a battery, there is an AC power supply. It creates alternating waves of current which move back and forth, rather than having a constant direction like in the DC circuit case.

Direct Current (DC) Circuits A circuit diagram consisting of an AC voltage source and a resistor, where circuit is flowing in alternating directions StudySmarterFig. 4 - Alternating current periodically changes its direction.

Considering it's a periodic event, alternating current can be described using frequency, measured in hertz (\(\mathrm{Hz}\)). It quantifies the number of times the flow of charges changes direction per second.

AC circuits are commonly used in producing and transporting electricity, as well as powering electric motors. The electric grid provides us with alternating current, which is then converted into direct current through adapters, when charging batteries, for instance.

DC Circuit - Key takeaways

  • Direct current (DC) is the flow of electric charge in one direction.
  • Ideal batteries and ideal wires have negligible internal resistance.
  • Wires can be assumed to be ideal if other elements in the circuit have resistance.
  • Electromotive force is the amount of energy a battery supplies to every charge that passes through it.
  • A series connection is one in which circuit elements are connected such that any charge passing through one element must proceed through the other and has no other path available between them.
  • A non-ideal battery can be treated as a resistor connected in series within the circuit.
  • A parallel connection is one in which charges may pass through one of two or more paths.
  • Alternating current (AC) is the flow of electric charge that periodically change directions.


  1. Fig. 1 - DC circuit diagram, StudySmarter Originals.
  2. Fig. 2 - A series circuit diagram, StudySmarter Originals.
  3. Fig. 3 - A parallel circuit diagram, StudySmarter Originals.
  4. Fig. 4 - AC circuit diagram, StudySmarter Originals.

Frequently Asked Questions about DC Circuit

A DC circuit is a circuit in which the flow of electric charge goes in one direction. 

An inductor is an element that allows direct current and stops alternating current from flowing through it.

A voltage drop in a DC circuit is caused by current passing through the circuit. 

In a DC circuit, a diode acts as a switch for the current by allowing the flow in one direction and restricting it in the opposite.  

In a DC circuit, a capacitor blocks the direct current. 

In a DC circuit, current flows in one direction. 

In a DC circuit, the current can be amplified by using a transistor. 

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

How many nodes do resistors in series share?

How many nodes do resistors in parallel share?

If a resistor is added to a combination of resistors connected in series, will the resistance increase or decrease?


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