Power Rating

Do you know why your mum or dad is constantly reminding you to turn the lights off when you leave your room? It might be to reduce your electricity bill, but have you wondered how the electricity department decides the amount you pay every month? The electrical appliances that we use in our everyday lives draw a current from the national grid when they are operated that depends on their power rating. This is an energy transfer taking place from the grid to power the devices at home. For example, an electric kettle converts electrical energy into heat energy that heats up the water for our morning coffee or tea. 

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Power Rating


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Do you know why your mum or dad is constantly reminding you to turn the lights off when you leave your room? It might be to reduce your electricity bill, but have you wondered how the electricity department decides the amount you pay every month? The electrical appliances that we use in our everyday lives draw a current from the national grid when they are operated that depends on their power rating. This is an energy transfer taking place from the grid to power the devices at home. For example, an electric kettle converts electrical energy into heat energy that heats up the water for our morning coffee or tea.

In this article, we will discuss how electrical energy is transferred between appliances and the factors it depends on. We will also look into how the power consumed by an electrical appliance is calculated and work on a few examples. You will also be able to make informed decisions when you're out shopping for any new electrical device. So keep reading till the end to find out - oh, and don't forget to turn your lights off!

Power ratings definition

Power ratings are what we see on our home appliances, defining how much energy is being transferred from the mains to power the device. The power rating helps consumers choose between different appliances based on their power consumption. It also highlights the maximum power at which the appliance can safely operate, which the cable and plug also need to be able to handle.

A mobile phone charger typically has a power rating in the range of 5-25 watts. This means that the charger draws a maximum of 25 watts or 25 joules-per-second from the mains electricity supply. An electric kettle on the other hand has a power rating of 3 kilowatts. That is 3000 joules per second, which is 120 times the power consumed by the charger! This means that with the same amount of energy, you could boil a kettle for 1 minute or charge your phone for 2 hours (120 minutes)! Let us now look at how to calculate the power using the current drawn and the voltage. Now let us look at different equations to calculate the amount of power consumed by appliances using the current drawn and the voltage.

Not all the electrical energy transferred into an appliance is converted into useful work. A part of the energy is almost always converted into heat energy or some other form of waste in electrical devices. The efficiency of the appliance tells us how much of the input energy is converted into useful work. We'll speak more about the term efficiency and what it means in a later section.

Power rating formula

The Electric power rating formula in a circuit can be calculated using the formula:


or in words:

Power=Electric potential×Current

WherePis the power in watts(W),Vis the potential difference in volts(V)between the points of energy transfer andIis the current in amperes(A). Therefore, 1 watt of electric power can be defined as the energy transferred when a current of1 Aflows through a potential difference of1 V.

There is also another method to calculate the power rating of an appliance. It can also be calculated using the work done or energy transferred by an appliance in a given amount of time.

P=W (or E)t

or in words,

Power=work doneTime taken

HereWis the work done orEthe energy transferred in joules, andtis the time in seconds. The power rating unit is watts. For appliances that consume higher values of power, we use kilowatts(103 watts)or megawatts(106 watts).

From the above equations, we can see that the power consumed by an appliance depends on the total energy transferred and the time the appliance is on for. The above equation can be re-arranged to obtain the energy consumed by an appliance. Another way to calculate the rate of energy transfer to an appliance is by measuring how many coulombs of charge flow through a given potential difference. This is given by:


or in words,

energy transferred = charge flow × potential difference

whereQis the charge in coulombs(C)andVis the potential difference in volts(V). Now lets look at the efficiency; this will not only help you in your GCSEs but also when you're out shopping for any new electrical appliance.

Power Rating of appliances

Power Rating A Power Rating Label StudySmarter

This is an efficiency label that you'll find on devices. The different coloured bands allow you to compare which device is more efficient in operating. Wikimedia.

When you turn on an electric device it is designed to convert the electricity into whatever useful work it was intended to perform. During this conversion, some energy is always lost, typically as heat or noise. An efficient device is one that minimizes this energy loss. So if we have two devices with the same power consumption rating, examining their efficiencies tells you how much of the power consumed is being converted into useful work. Efficiency can be calculated as follows.

efficiency = useful output worktotal input energy transfer

It can also be calculated as

efficiency = useful power outputtotal power input

Calculating efficiency will give you a decimal value less than or equal to one - a useful way to represent this is by using a percentage. When you multiply the efficiency with100%, we get what is called a percentage efficiency. A theoretical device with100%efficiency converts all the supplied power into useful power. A percentage efficiency of20%means that the device is only converting20%of the supplied power into useful power or work.

A well-known example of an inefficient device is a filament lightbulb - these are designed to produce light, but over 95% of the input energy is converted into waste heat instead!

Now let's work on a few examples to practice what we just learned.

Power rating examples

A3000 Wkettle can boils a litre of water in5 minutes; how long would it take a3 Wphone charger to transfer the same amount of energy as the kettle?

Step 1: List out the given values

PKettle = 3000 W, tKettle = 5 minPcharger = 3 W, tcharger = ?

Step 2: Convert quantities

Time = 5 min = 5 × 60 seconds = 300 seconds

Step 3: Calculate the energy transferred to the kettle by rearranging the equation for power.

P=E/tEkettle=Pkettle×tEkettle=3000 watts×300 seconds=900000 joules=900 kJ

Step 4: Calculate the time taken for a phone charger to transfer the same energy as the Kettle.


rearrange this equation for time.

tcharger=EchargerPchargertcharger=900×103 joules3 watts=300,000 seconds

Finally, converting the time in seconds to minutes:

300,000 seconds60 secondsminute=5000 minutes

The charger will take5000 minutesto transfer the same amount of energy transferred by the kettle in5 minutes.

Calculate the amount of energy transferred if an electric bulb connected to a supply of20 Vhas140 Cof charge pass through it?

Step 1: List out the given values

Potential difference= 20 VCharge =140 CEnergy transferred = ?

Step 2: Calculate energy transferred using the right equation

E=QVE=140 C×20 VE=2800 J

The energy transferred by moving a charge across a potential difference of20 Vis2800 Joules.

Power rating of the resistor

The power rating of a resistor gives the maximum amount of power it can dissipate before it will fail and break the circuit.

Power Rating resistors have different ratings StudySmarterDifferent resistors have different power ratings, which define the maximum power that can pass through the resistor without damaging it.

Every resistor comes with a specific power rating. A resistor gets heated up as it obstructs the flow of current through it. Thus if a resistor has a maximum power rating, it is to prevent it from heating beyond the limit of how much heat it can dissipate. The power rating of the resistor is usually measured in watts.

Power Rating - Key takeaways

  • The power rating that we see in our home appliances defines how much electrical energy is being transferred from the national to power the device.
  • Not all the energy transferred into an appliance is converted into useful work.
  • Electric power or the electric energy transferred in a circuit can be calculated using the electric power formulaP=VI
  • It can also be calculated using the work done or energy transferred by an appliance in a given amount of timeP=W (or) Et
  • The power rating symbol is represented by the same symbol for power, W.
  • The power rating of a resistor gives the maximum amount of power it can dissipate without failing and breaking the circuit.

Frequently Asked Questions about Power Rating

The power rating of an appliance defines how much energy is being transferred from the mains to power the device. It also highlights the maximum value of power at which the appliance can safely operate.

The power rating can be found attached to most devices. It can also be calculated using the electric power formula

The power rating formula is given by P = IV or P = E/twhere P is power in watts, I is current in amperes, V is potential difference in volts, E is the energy transferred in joules and t is the time in seconds.

The unit of power rating is watts (W). This is equivalent to joules-per-second.

The amount of electricity used is directly proportional to the power rating of the appliances. For example, a device with a power rating of 2000 W will be consuming 2000 J in one second. 

To identify how much power a device is using, you could use a voltmeter and ammeter to measure the potential difference and current the device is operating at and then determine the power consumption using P=IV.

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

What does the power rating of an electrical appliance define?

If two devices are both run for the same amount of time, the device with a higher power rating will use a higher amount of electricity.

The power consumed by an electric device depends on which of the following?


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