Backus Naur Form

Dive into the captivating world of Computer Science and understand the essence of Backus Naur Form. This crucial notation method, widely used in programming languages and computer programming grammar, comes into clearer focus as you venture through the basics, historical background, structures and intricate details of Backus Naur Form. Delve into its variants and practical applications, while appreciating the benefits and efficiency it brings to the field of Computer Science. Your journey in mastering Backus Naur Form begins here.

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Table of contents

    Understanding the Basics: What is Backus Naur Form

    Backus Naur Form (BNF) is a valuable tool you'll encounter in the field of computer science. Mostly associated with programming languages and compilers, BNF offers a precise way to describe the syntax of languages, facilitating your understanding and mind-mapping of complex language structures.

    Defining Backus Naur Form: A Comprehensive Overview

    If we dig a bit deeper into the intricacies of BNF, it becomes apparent that it provides a set of rules, or rather, a notation technique, for defining any language structure. It's a type of context-free grammar, a term you might be quite familiar with if you've delved into linguistics or computer algorithms.

    In particular, Backus Naur Form describes a language by listing its elements and the rules for constructing sentences for that language. Here, a 'sentence' doesn't imply a typical English sentence, rather, it indicates a string of symbols that the language considers to be valid.


    The above is a typical BNF notation where '::=' stands for 'defined as', '' is a placeholder symbol that can be replaced, and '' is the set of symbols that can be used to replace the nonterminal.

    We can even create complex structures and nested rules using BNF. Quite versatile, isn’t it?

    An illustrative example could be a rule for defining an HTML tag in BNF:

     ::= "<"  ">"  ""  ">"

    Historical Background and Usage of Backus Naur Form

    Understanding the historical background of BNF lets you appreciate how it has shaped the evolution of linguistic and computer language structuring. The Backus Naur Form was first introduced by John Backus and Peter Naur in 1959 and 1960, respectively, as a refined version of Backus's original notation called Backus Normal Form.

    First Tutorial Introduction John Backus (1959) Further Refined By Peter Naur (1960)

    Initially, Backus Naur Form was utilised for describing the syntax of the programming language ALGOL 60. However, its range of practical applications has expanded greatly over the years, now being used to define most programming languages, documentation, and communication protocols among others. Its simplicity and expressiveness have made it a standard tool in computer science, and you'll find that its use greatly eases your work when trying to describe complex syntax structures in a concise and systematic manner.

    Delving into the Details: Structure of Backus Naur Form

    The complex syntax of a language, when evaluated in terms of Backus Naur Form, can be broken down into meaningful constituents. This gives you a comprehensive insight and profound understanding of the compositional process of language structure.

    Syntax Representation in Backus-Naur Form

    Backus-Naur Form represents the syntax of a language using a set of derivation rules, in which each rule expresses a relationship between a symbol and a sequence of symbols. The sequence can be quite extensive and includes strings of terminals and nonterminals.


    The symbol '' is known as a nonterminal symbol, representing groups or categories of things. The symbols on the right ('') is either a terminal symbol or another nonterminal. Terminal symbols represent actual components of the language. They are the 'atoms' of the language, and can't be subdivided further.

    In the notation, the '::=' operator can be read as "can be replaced by." This means that wherever we find a nonterminal on the left in our sentence, we can substitute it with a sequence on the right.

    The sequence can be straightforward, like a single terminal or nonterminal, or it could be a complex combination involving multiple symbols. The flexibility in arrangement rules allows for substantial versatility in syntax structuring. You'll mostly find BNF rules are used recursively, creating an enormous capacity to express vast language landscapes within a limited rule set.

    Another interesting part of BNF syntax representation is the use of the '|' operator. This operator implies an 'OR' relationship between sequences, indicating the nonterminal can be replaced by any of the sequences separated by '|'. An example rule using '|' might be:

     ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

    Here, can be replaced by any numeral from 0 to 9.

    The Components and Sub-elements of Backus-Naur Form

    The syntax representation in BNF mainly involves two types of symbols: nonterminal and terminal symbols. While we briefly touched on these symbols above, in this section, we will go into further detail about their roles in BNF.

    Nonterminal Symbols These are placeholder symbols that denote categories of elements. They can be replaced by sequences of other symbols, which could either be terminal or nonterminal. Terminal Symbols These symbols represent the actual elements of the language. They can't be replaced or broken down any further.

    Nonterminal symbols are usually denoted by angular brackets in BNF, while terminal symbols do not have any specific notation and are typically represented as is.

    For instance, in the following example:

     ::= a | b 
     ::= 0 | 1

    '' and '' are nonterminals, while 'a', 'b', '0', and '1' are terminals.

    In addition to nonterminal and terminal symbols, there are additional components in BNF, including::= (the definition symbol) and | (the alternation symbol).

    The ::= symbol defines a replacement rule, meaning the nonterminal symbol on its left can be replaced by the string of symbols on its right. Meanwhile, the | symbol represents alternation, indicating multiple possible replacements for the nonterminal symbol.

    To put it all together, in Backus Naur Form, the syntax of a programming language is represented using nonterminal symbols (which define distinct language components) and terminal symbols (the elemental units of the language). These are connected through derivation rules, with alternation giving flexibility to the replacement of symbols. Thus, creating varied, dynamic structures for the syntax.

    Variants of Backus-Naur Form: Extended and Augmented Forms

    As currently explored, Backus Naur Form grants a systematic way to represent the syntax of programming languages. This isn't where it ends, though. Just like languages evolve, tools to define them do too. That's where the Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF) and the Augmented Backus Naur Form (ABNF) come into the picture. These two forms take BNF's capabilities a notch further, offering more flexibility and ease to both novices and experts alike in the realm of computer science.

    Introduction to Extended Backus-Naur Form

    The Extended Backus Naur Form (EBNF) is a version of BNF that includes extra metasymbols for convenience. EBNF introduces metasymbols which account for optionality, repetition, and grouping of symbols, making the syntax representation process less tedious.

    EBNF Metasymbols: \[ \{ \} \] (for repetition), \[ [ ] \] (for optionality), \[ ( ) \] (for grouping)

    The usage of these metasymbols in EBNF can be explained as follows:

    \[ \{ \} \] Braces in EBNF denote repetition. This means that the enclosed sequence can be repeated zero or more times. \[ [ ] \] Square brackets in EBNF denote optionality. This implies that the enclosed sequence is optional and could be omitted. \[ ( ) \] Parentheses group a sequence of symbols. This comes in handy when working with complex structures as it helps simplify visualisation and understanding.

    An EBNF rule using these metasymbols could be:

     ::= {}

    This can be read as: An alphabetic_string can be zero or more repetitions of a letter.

    The addition of these metasymbols in EBNF simplifies language syntax representation, easing the process and making it more efficient. A simplistic and expressive definition of language syntax becomes very feasible with EBNF. However, it doesn't stop here. On our journey of syntax definition, yet another version unfolds, let's delve into the Augmented Backus Naur Form.

    Getting Acquainted with Augmented Backus Naur Form

    Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF), as the name articulates, is an advanced version of BNF. ABNF is specifically designed to describe bidirectional communications protocols. It retains the structural representation capabilities of BNF but expresses these in a more rigorous, deterministic fashion. This makes it well-suited for instances where exactness and precision are vital.

    ABNF has a set of core rules, which describe the fundamental data elements used in the construction of more complex rules. These core rules are pre-established and aid in defining syntactical constructs of communication protocols such as Internet protocols.

    CORE RULES These are basic rules defined in the ABNF standard, like ALPHA, DIGIT, DQUOTE, etc. Each core rule is associated with a specific range of ASCII characters.

    A few examples of core rules are:

    1. ALPHA denotes all upper and lower case English alphabets, from A-Z and a-z.
    2. DIGIT refers to any single digit from 0-9.
    3. DQUOTE is the ASCII value for double quote.

    The above ‘pre-built’ core rules can be used to construct further complex rules. It is interesting to note how ABNF, designed mostly for protocol description, uses the ASCII values for defining rules.

    Both EBNF and ABNF are powerful tools in computer science and are relevant across various fields including linguistics, data communication, artificial intelligence, and more. So, whether you're a novice trying to comprehend how to represent language syntax or a professional working on complex language structuring, knowledge of BNF, EBNF, and ABNF is sure to give you a solid foundation and leverage in your understanding and conceptualisation of language syntax.

    Practical Application: Backus Naur Form Examples and Grammar

    In this section, you'll explore the practical application of Backus Naur Form, especially in the context of programming languages. You'll get a hands-on understanding of how to use BNF to define the syntax of languages through a practical lens.

    Reviewing Common Examples of Backus Naur Form

    Fundamentally, Backus Naur Form is used to outline the grammar of programming languages. Almost every high-level language has a syntax that can be defined using BNF. Let's explore some common examples to solidify your understanding.

     ::=  "+"  |  "-"  | 
     ::=  |  
     ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

    In the example above, we're defining the syntax for simple arithmetic expressions comprising addition and subtraction operations. Here, (expression) can be an addition or subtraction of two expressions, or a number. A number is defined as a single digit or a digit followed by a number. A digit can be any numeral from 0 to 9.

    This BNF rule set allows you to generate strings of symbols representing valid arithmetic terms, such as "7-2+5", "3-0", "7", etc.

    The power of BNF lies in its simplicity and versatility. Using a concise, finite set of rules, you can define an extensive combination of valid strings, catering to the most complex language structures.

    Applying Backus Naur Form in Computer Science Grammar

    Now, let's expand our scope and relate Backus Naur Form to a programming language grammar. In this context, BNF can define fundamental elements like identifiers, variables, arithmetic operations, Boolean operations, control structures, and much more. The key is learning how to break down the language elements into its building blocks and construct precise BNF rules.

    An identifier, for instance, might be composed of a letter followed by zero or more letters or digits:

     ::=  |  | 
     ::= a | b | c | ... | z | A | B | C | ... | Z
       ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

    Similarly, you can define a structure as complex as a while loop. Let's take an example of this in a theoretical language where the while loop structure is as follows: "WHILE BEGIN END".

     ::= "WHILE"  "BEGIN"  "END"

    Here, and can further be defined using more BNF rules. You'll note that specific words like "WHILE", "BEGIN", and "END" are terminal symbols in our rule as they are specific, unchanging elements of this language.

    Terminal symbols Specific, unchanging elements of a language. They can't be further defined or broken down. Example: pre-defined keywords (WHILE, BEGIN, END) in a programming language.

    The examples we've explored demonstrate how BNF can define both simple and complex language constructs. This universal applicability of BNF in defining grammar of programming languages makes it an invaluable tool in computer science. Whether you're learning a new language, designing a compiler, or interpreting a complex language construct, understanding Backus Naur Form gives you a precise, structured method for tackling the syntax.

    Benefits of Using Backus-Naur Form: Advantages in Computer Science

    Having explored the concept, history, structure and application of Backus-Naur Form (BNF), you might be wondering about the practical benefits of using BNF, especially in the context of computer science. Well, BNF brings with it several strengths that make it an ideal choice as a metasyntactic language.

    Exploring the Efficiency of Backus-Naur Form

    Efficiency is at the heart of computer science, and Backus-Naur Form doesn't fall short in this respect. BNF significantly simplifies syntax representation. Imagine trying to express a complex language structure verbally or through lengthy descriptions. Complicated? Well, with BNF, you get a systematic, compact way to construct languages. By creating a finite set of rules, BNF allows us to build an infinite number of sequences, saving both time and effort.

    Achieving Efficiency with BNF: BNF defines syntax structure with a finite set of derivation rules, facilitating simple creation of an infinitely vast number of sequences. This systematised approach saves time and reduces complexity.

    Efficiency with BNF isn't just about simplicity, but also about the precision it brings. The rules in BNF are clear and deterministic with no room for ambiguity. Each rule precisely states how a given symbol can be derived or replaced. The descriptive power of BNF ensures a high level of accuracy in representing language syntax, proving to be invaluable when defining programming languages or protocols. It aids in the prevention of errors and ensures clarity in communication.

    Furthermore, the versatility and expressiveness of BNF add to its efficiency. The ability of BNF to effectively represent simple as well as complex and recursive structures makes it adaptable to diverse language landscapes. Whether you aim to define the structure of a basic arithmetic operation or that of nested loop structure, BNF can effectively capture it all.

    Increased Readability and other Advantages of Backus-Naur Form

    Another key advantage of using BNF is improved readability and understanding. BNF presents language syntax in a neat, well-structured format that's easier to comprehend. For anyone new to a programming language or attempting to decode a complex protocol, a grammar defined using BNF provides a quick way to get a grasp of the syntax involved.

    Improved Readability and Comprehension BNF provides an orderly, systematic view of language syntax, making it easier for users to understand and interpret the language.

    Backus-Naur Form encourages logical thinking. When working with BNF, you are required to break down the language structure into its most basic components, contemplate the relation between different elements, and logically arrange them into rules. This process of categorisation and logic-driven rule formation promotes structured thinking and a step-by-step approach to problem-solving, essential skills in the field of coding and computer science.

    In addition, BNF offers language agnostic capabilities. Regardless of the programming language in use, BNF lets you represent and understand its syntax. So, whether you are dealing with C++, Python or Java, you can rely on BNF to decode their syntax, making it a universally applicable tool. This language-agnostic nature of BNF also helps in learning new programming languages as it gives you a methodical approach to understand the syntax of any language.

    Language Agnostic BNF can define the syntax of any programming language, making it a universal representation tool. It supports learning and exploring new languages with a systematic and consistent approach.

    In conclusion, the benefits of using Backus-Naur Form are manifold. It offers an efficient, precise method for syntax representation, enhances readability, encourages logical thinking, and delivers a reliable, consistent approach across varied programming languages. Using BNF in computer science not only improves your understanding of language structures but also promotes logical, step-by-step problem-solving, an irreplaceable skill in the world of coding and programming.

    Backus Naur Form - Key takeaways

    • Backus Naur Form (BNF) is a tool initially used to describe the syntax of ALGOL 60 but is now utilized to define several languages, documentation, and communication protocols.
    • Backus-Naur form uses non-terminal and terminal symbols in combination with derivation rules to represent the syntax of a language. Nonterminal symbols represent categories or groups, while terminal symbols are the indivisible components of the language.
    • Extensions to Backus-Naur Form, namely Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) and Augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF), offer added flexibility and rigor. EBNF introduces metasymbols for repetition, optionality, and grouping, while ABNF is ideal for describing bidirectional communication protocols with high precision.
    • Backus-Naur Form is used to define the grammar of programming languages. It can represent simple arithmetic expressions and complex structures like a while loop, making it versatile across various levels of programming complexity.
    • One major advantage of using Backus-Naur Form is the efficiency it brings to syntax representation. It provides a compact way to create an infinite number of sequences from a finite set of rules, saving time and effort in computer science.
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    Frequently Asked Questions about Backus Naur Form
    What is the significance of Backus Naur Form in computer science?
    Backus Naur Form (BNF) is significant in computer science because it is a notation technique used for formal description of programming languages. It defines the syntax of programming languages and helps to construct compilers.
    What are the main components of Backus Naur Form in programming languages?
    The main components of Backus Naur Form (BNF) in programming languages are terminals, non-terminals, production rules, and the start symbol. These constitute a formal way of describing syntax in programming languages.
    How is Backus Naur Form utilised in the creation of programming languages?
    Backus Naur Form (BNF) is utilised in the creation of programming languages as a notation for formally defining the syntactical structure of a language. It sets clear conventions for programmers facilitating a universal understanding of the language's rules.
    Can you provide detailed examples of Backus Naur Form in practical use?
    Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is often used in computer science to describe the syntax of programming languages. For example, a simple BNF rule might be: ::= . Here, "" is a nonterminal symbol encompassing the pattern of " ", which are also nonterminal symbols.
    What is the historical background and development of Backus Naur Form in computer science?
    Backus-Naur Form (BNF) was developed in the late 1950s by John Backus and Peter Naur to describe the syntax of the ALGOL 60 programming language. Its purpose was to provide a precise representation of computer languages to enhance readability and development.

    Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

    What are Terminal symbols in Backus-Naur Form (BNF)?

    How does Backus-Naur Form (BNF) improve readability and comprehension of a programming language?

    What is the role of the '|', and '::=' symbols in Backus-Naur Form?


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