Complex Logarithm

Dive into the fascinating world of engineering maths as you explore the concept of complex logarithm. Grasp the core definition and meaning, broaden your understanding with relevant examples, and discover the fundamental properties of this crucial mathematical element. This detailed guide will take you through various applications of complex logarithm, underscoring its importance in practical settings. Further, learn how to resolve complex logarithm problems and how these functions are implemented in the realm of engineering. From simple concepts to advanced dilemmas, become thoroughly acquainted with the characteristics and significance of complex logarithm in engineering studies.

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What are some of the fields and applications where a complex logarithm is used?

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What does the multivalued nature of complex logarithm functions mean?

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What is the fundamental definition for a complex logarithm function for a complex number \(z = r(cos \, \theta + i \, sin \, \theta)\)?

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What are some of the strategies you can use to solve complex logarithm problems?

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How is the complex logarithm of a complex number z = a + bi calculated?

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What is the definition and basic premise of a complex logarithm in mathematics?

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What is the principal value (main branch) of the complex logarithm for a complex number \(z = x + iy\) ?

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How does a complex logarithm contribute to quantum mechanics and electrical engineering?

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What is the formula for a complex logarithm function for a complex number \(z = r(cos \, \theta + i \, sin \, \theta)\)?

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What are two notable unique features of the complex logarithm?

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What is a helpful step to take when dealing with nested complex logarithm problems?

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What does the multivalued nature of complex logarithm functions mean?

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What is the fundamental definition for a complex logarithm function for a complex number \(z = r(cos \, \theta + i \, sin \, \theta)\)?

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What are some of the strategies you can use to solve complex logarithm problems?

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How is the complex logarithm of a complex number z = a + bi calculated?

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What is the definition and basic premise of a complex logarithm in mathematics?

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What is the principal value (main branch) of the complex logarithm for a complex number \(z = x + iy\) ?

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What is the formula for a complex logarithm function for a complex number \(z = r(cos \, \theta + i \, sin \, \theta)\)?

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What are two notable unique features of the complex logarithm?

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      Understanding Complex Logarithm: Definition and Meaning

      In the realm of mathematics, a complex logarithm is an extension of the concept of logarithm to the complex numbers. The logarithm, \(\log_b(x)\), is a function defined for a positive base \(b\) and for real positive \(x\) where \(b\) is not equal to 1. The complex logarithm suddenly allows to consider values of \(x\) that are not positive real numbers but complex.

      The Basics of Complex Logarithm Meaning

      A core concept to understanding the complex logarithm is the Euler's formula that stipulates \(e^{i\theta} = cos(\theta) + i sin(\theta)\). This means that the complex exponential function, \(e^{z}\), where \(z = x + iy\) is a complex number, can be expressed as \(e^{x}(cos(y) + isin(y))\). In effect, the complex logarithm is the inverse function of the complex exponential function.

      Here is the main formula for complex logarithm: \[ \log (re^{i\theta}) = \log r + i\theta \] Let's break it down:
      • \( r \) is the magnitude of the complex number
      • \(e^{i\theta}\) is the corresponding complex number on the unit circle in the complex plane
      • \( \log r \) is the real part of the logarithm (a real logarithm)
      • \( i\theta \) is the imaginary part of the logarithm (a real number multiplying the wondrous \( i \), the imaginary unit)

      Deep Dive: Understanding the Definition of Complex Logarithm

      The complex logarithm, unlike its real counterpart, is a multi-valued function. This is due to the periodic nature of the trigonometric functions in the formula mentioned earlier. In simpler terms, one can revolve endlessly around the origin of the complex plane by increasing the angle, resulting in an infinite number of possible logarithms for a complex number \(z\).

      The idea of multi-valued functions might be hard to swallow, but it's central to understanding complex logarithms. As you explore deeper into complex analysis, you'll encounter the concept of 'branches', which are unique, single-valued versions of multi-valued functions like the complex logarithm.

      The principal value (main branch) of the complex logarithm for a complex number \(z = x + iy\) is generally expressed as: \[ \text{Log }(z) = ln|z| + i Arg(z) \] Where: - \( ln|z| \) is the natural log of the magnitude of \( z \) - \( Arg(z) \) is the principal argument of \( z \), a value in the range \( (-\pi, \pi] \) A principal advantage of the complex logarithm is the simplicity it brings to manipulation of complex indices. Thus, \( z^{w} \), where \( z \) and \( w \) are complex numbers, is often defined as \( e^{w Log(z)} \) via the complex logarithm.

      Let’s find the principal value of the complex logarithm for the number \( z = -1 + i \). We know that \( |z| = \sqrt{(-1)^2 + 1^2} = \sqrt{2} \) and the angle \( \theta \) made by \( z \) with the positive real axis is \( 3\pi / 4 \). So, \( Log(z) = ln \sqrt{2} + i(3\pi / 4) = 0.35 + 2.36i (approx.) \).

      Exploring Complex Logarithm Examples

      To better grasp the concept of complex logarithms, diving into some examples is beneficial. Through practical applications, the notion of complex logarithms becomes less abstract. Examples might range from simple ones, suitable for beginners, to more advanced problems that tackle real-life situations.

      Simple Complex Logarithm Examples

      Let's start by considering a simple example: finding the complex logarithm for a positive real number. It becomes noticeably simple as the imaginary part cancels out. As an instance, consider the positive real number \(a = 3\). The complex logarithm of \(a\) is given by the formula: \[ \begin{align*} Log(a) &= ln|a| + i Arg(a) \\ &= ln(3) + i Arg(3) \\ &= ln(3) + i*0 \\ &= ln(3) \end{align*} \] Now let's find the complex logarithm for a purely imaginary number. A purely imaginary number is of the form \(bi\), where \(b\) is a real number. Consider the imaginary number \(b = 2i\). The complex logarithm of \(b\) is given by the formula: \[ \begin{align*} Log(b) &= ln|b| + i Arg(b) \\ &= ln(2) + i Arg(2i) \\ &= ln(2) + i*(\pi/2) \end{align*} \] Note that the argument of a purely imaginary number \(bi\) (\(b\) > 0) is \(\pi/2\).

      Advanced Complex Logarithm Examples

      As mathematics progresses, so too does the complexity of the problems it can solve. Let's go a little further now and explore a more advanced example. Consider a complex number in the form \( z = a + bi \), where \( a \) and \( b \) are real numbers. Let's find the complex logarithm of a complex number \( z = 1 + i \). The magnitude of \( z \) is \( |z| = \sqrt{1^2 + 1^2} = \sqrt{2} \), and the argument of \( z \) is \( Arg(z) = \pi/4 \). Hence, the complex logarithm of \( z \) becomes: \[ \begin{align*} Log(z) &= ln|z| + i Arg(z) \\ &= ln(\sqrt{2}) + i(\pi/4) \end{align*} \] This problem demonstrates that the complex logarithm of a complex number yields another complex number.

      Solving Complex Logarithm in Real Situations

      Complex situations often require complex solutions. Let's consider a real-life application of complex logarithms. In electrical engineering, there's a unique concept known as phase. It represents the time difference between the zeros of different waveforms having the same frequency. Complex logarithms are especially helpful when dealing with phases in signal processing. Let's assume you're dealing with a signal given by \( S(t) = e^{i(2\pi ft + \phi)} \), where \( f \) is the frequency of the signal and \( \phi \) is the phase. The complex logarithm provides a way to extract the phase information from the signal. The complex logarithm of \( S(t) \) is given by: \[ \begin{align*} Log(S(t)) &= log(e^{i(2\pi ft + \phi)}) \\ &= i(2\pi ft + \phi) \end{align*} \] The advantage here is that the phase \(\phi\) is displayed clearly in the result, making its manipulation and interpretation much easier. Remember, while dealing with complex logarithms, there might be different ways to get to the same result. These examples served as a guide to understand the concept better, but always stay adaptive to your specific situation. Understanding the fundamentals, like the definition of complex logarithm and how to work with them, will allow you to solve even the most complex mathematical challenges.

      The Importance and Applications of the Complex Logarithm

      Diving into the intricate world of mathematics, the complex logarithm stands as a powerful mathematical tool. Its importance stems directly from its unique properties and wide range of applications. Complex logarithms — extending the simple logarithm concept to the complex number domain — enable mathematicians and scientists to solve otherwise intractable problems, contributing significantly to various scientific and engineering fields. These applications include quantum mechanics, electrical engineering, signal processing, and fluid dynamics, amongst others.

      Practical Uses of Complex Logarithm

      Extending now into the practical applications of complex logarithms, one appreciates their influence on many disciplines. The complexities of real-world problems often necessitate complex solutions, and here's where the complex logarithm showcases its versatility. Electrical Engineering: In electrical engineering, handling the phase of signals is of paramount importance. Complex logarithms simplify phase analysis significantly. Given a signal of the form \( S(t) = e^{i(2\pi ft + \phi)} \), the phase \(\phi\) can be easily extracted by using the complex logarithm. Thus, the logarithm, \( Log(S(t)) = i(2\pi ft + \phi) \), distinctly displays the phase \(\phi\), facilitating its interpretation and manipulation. Quantum Mechanics: Quantum mechanics, a cornerstone of modern physics, relies heavily on complex logarithms. In quantum computing, for instance, common operations on qubits are often expressed using complex exponentials. Computing the inverse of such operations, a requirement in many algorithms, involves computing complex logarithms. Signal Processing: Similar to electrical engineering, complex logarithms find significant usage in signal processing, dealing with the analysis, interpretation, and manipulation of signals. For instance, in analysing the frequency content of a signal — a fundamental task in signal processing — complex logarithms often prove handy. Fluid Dynamics: Complex logarithms also help describe fluid flows around objects by simplifying the math behind such complicated physical phenomena. Control Systems: In control systems, the logarithmic mapping of complex numbers is used for stability analysis of control systems. The Nyquist stability criterion is a classic example where complex logarithm comes into play. Moreover, it's worth noting that complex logarithms also find application in advanced mathematical problems, such as those in complex analysis or number theory.

      Everyday Examples of Complex Logarithm Applications

      Although complex logarithms might seem esoteric and detached from daily life, in reality, they're part of the machinery running many technologies we use day after day. Music: In digital music, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is used to manipulate sound files. FFT is an algorithm to compute the Discrete Fourier Transform and its inverse, which essentially transforms time-based signals to frequency-based signals and vice versa. Complex logarithms play a key role in this transformation process, especially when dealing with phase information of the signal. Internet: Even while browsing the internet, one is likely using complex logarithms without even realising it. High-speed internet data transmission depends on the principles of Fourier analysis, in which complex logarithms play a crucial role. By converting time-domain signals to the frequency domain and back, complex logarithms help parse the signal at both sending and receiving ends, thus allowing for efficient signal transmission. Cellular Networks: Mobile phone communication leverages complex logarithms as well. Mobile phones communicate with cell towers using electromagnetic waves that can be mathematically represented by complex numbers. And when it comes to processing these signals, the complex logarithm becomes instrumental. Global Positioning System (GPS): The GPS technology that enables location tracking and navigation involves high-frequency signal processing. It uses complex numbers to represent waveforms, hence the complex logarithm, as a pivotal mathematical tool, helps resolve GPS signals accurately. These examples illustrate how complex logarithms permeate unseen into everyday life, powering the technology that society so heavily relies upon. The wide-ranging applications of complex logarithms make them a crucial mathematical tool, echoing the profound importance of complex numbers in modern science and technology.

      Comprehending Complex Logarithm Functions

      Mathematics takes a step further into complexity as it ventures into the realm of complex numbers, offering solutions to problems that don't have solutions in real numbers. One such extension is the concept of logarithms, a crucial operation in mathematics, into complex numbers, giving birth to the intriguing concept of complex logarithm functions. Serving as a bridge between additive and multiplicative operations, logarithms find a broad set of applications. Complex logarithms extend this functionality to complex numbers and open up a new world of calculations and expressions that were not possible with real numbers alone.

      Understanding Different Complex Logarithm Functions

      Taking a deeper dive into complex logarithm functions, it's essential to comprehend that they're multivalued functions, unlike real logarithm functions which are single-valued. This multivalued nature results from the periodicity of the trigonometric functions involved in the definition of complex logarithms. For a complex number \(z = r(cos \, \theta + i \, sin \, \theta)\), where \( r = |z| \) and \( \theta = Arg(z) \), the complex logarithm function \(Log(z)\) is given by the equation: \[ Log(z) = Log(r) + i(\theta + 2k\pi) \] Here, the real part is \(Log(r)\), which is the regular real logarithm of the magnitude of \(z\) (denoted as \(|z|\)) and the imaginary part is \(i(\theta + 2k\pi)\), where \(\theta\) is the principal argument of \(z\) and \(k\) is an integer. The value of \(k\) introduces the multivalued aspect of the complex logarithm function as different integer values of \(k\) yield different complex logarithms of the same complex number. For instance, for \(z = 1\), we have \(|z| = 1\) and \(Arg(z) = 0\). Hence, for different values of \(k\), the complex logarithm of \(z\) can take different values.
      • For \(k = 0\): \(Log(z) = Log(1) = 0\)
      • For \(k = 1\): \(Log(z) = i \, 2\pi \)
      • For \(k = -1\): \(Log(z) = -i \, 2\pi \)
      This reveals the fascinating multivalued nature of the complex logarithm function. From a computing perspective, the principal value (with \(k = 0\)) is usually considered when using logarithm functions in computer programs or calculators.

      Representing Complex Logarithm Through Functions

      In the complex plane, the multivalued nature of the complex logarithm function makes its interpretation and plotting quite intriguing. It is typically represented using a graph called a Riemann surface or using complex contour plots. However, for a practical understanding of the complex logarithm represented through functions, we often focus on the principal branch. The principal branch of the logarithm, also denoted as \(Log(z)\), is the branch where the imaginary part lies in the interval \((-π, π]\). Diving further, let's consider a basic Python function that defines the complex logarithm. ```python # Importing required module import cmath # Function to calculate complex logarithm def complex_log(z): # Calculating magnitude and argument r, theta = cmath.polar(z) # Calculating principal branch of complex log principal_log = cmath.log(r) + 1j*theta return principal_log ``` Here, the function `complex_log` calculates the principal branch of the complex logarithm for a given complex number. The complex logarithm function holds an impressive power within its definition. It extends the capabilities of logarithms to the whole complex plane, making it an invaluable tool for scientists and mathematicians to solve problems beyond the reach of real numbers. On the computing side, understanding and implementing complex logarithms can boost the performance and capability of algorithms, enhancing their efficiency and scope of applications. Be it mathematics, physics, engineering, or computer science, the understanding and implementation of complex logarithm functions impact these fields' advancements and breakthroughs. Hence, having a profound understanding of complex logarithm functions plays a great role in the journey to master the complexities of the mathematical world and beyond.

      Properties of Complex Logarithm

      Complex logarithms provide us with an exciting expansion from the classic logarithm functions we know from real number mathematics into the realm of complex numbers. However, unlike standard logarithms, complex logarithms possess a number of unique and distinctive properties due to their multivalued characteristic.

      Fundamental Complex Logarithm Properties

      Let’s investigate some of the primary features of complex logarithms. Remember that for a complex number \(z = r(cos \, \theta + i \, sin \, \theta)\), where \( r = |z| \) and \( \theta = Arg(z) \), we define the complex logarithm function \(Log(z)\) as follows: \[ Log(z) = Log(r) + i(\theta + 2k\pi) \]
      Property Mathematical Representation Description
      Multiplication \( Log(z_1 \times z_2) = Log(z_1) + Log(z_2) \) The logarithm of the product of two complex numbers equals the sum of their logarithms.
      Division \( Log(\frac{z_1}{z_2}) = Log(z_1) - Log(z_2) \) The logarithm of the quotient of two complex numbers equals the difference of their logarithms.
      Power \( Log({z_1}^{z_2}) = z_2 \times Log(z_1) \) The logarithm of a complex number raised to a power equals the power multiplied by the logarithm of the number.
      Multivalued Characteristic \( Log(r(cos \, \theta + i \, sin \, \theta)) =Log(r) + i(\theta + 2k\pi)\) For complex logarithms, the absolute value and angle of a complex number are calculated, resulting in a multivalued function due to the cyclical nature of angles.

      Unique Features of Complex Logarithm

      Digging deeper into the complex logarithm's structure, beyond the basic properties akin to real logarithms, we can appreciate the unique features it holds:

      Periodicity: Perhaps one of the most distinct characteristics of complex logarithms arises from the periodicity of the trigonometric functions involved. The general definition of complex logarithm incorporates the term \(2k\pi\), where \(k\) is any integer, indicating the periodicity of the function. This periodicity produces the multivalued nature of complex logarithms.

      Essentially, this is a reflection of the nature of complex numbers themselves, which are cyclic when represented in the polar form, leading to a cyclic repetition of the complex logarithm values. Consider the complex number \(z = e^{i\theta}\). It represents a point on the unit circle in the complex plane. As \(\theta\) increases, the point moves around the circle. Adding a multiple of \(2\pi\) to the angle doesn't change \(z\), but does change \(\theta\). Similarly, adding a multiple of \(2\pi\) to the argument in the logarithm doesn't change \(z\), but does change the complex logarithm. This is a direct result of the periodicity of the complex exponential function and gets inherited by the complex logarithm.

      Continuity and Branch Cuts: Another unique feature of the complex logarithm is its discontinuity along what we call "branch cuts". In simple terms, a branch cut is a curve in the complex plane across which a multivalued function becomes discontinuous. For complex logarithms, the branch cut is typically taken along the negative real axis, making the logarithm discontinuous along this line.

      This discontinuity is a result of the \(i(\theta + 2k\pi)\) term in the complex logarithm definition. As we move along the negative real axis from below, the imaginary part of the logarithm jumps from \(-\pi\) to \(\pi\), creating a discontinuity. The understanding of these unique properties not only provides a broader picture of the complex logarithm but also allows you to appreciate the intricacies of complex number calculations and the numerous applications where these features come into play. From solving high-level mathematical problems to addressing practical issues in physics, engineering, and computer algorithms, the complex logarithm's unique features can make a remarkable difference.

      Resolving Complex Logarithm Problems

      Complex logarithm problems might seem daunting at first, but they are just a step away from the real logarithms you may already be familiar with. The key is to understand the defining properties of complex logarithms and to adapt the techniques you would typically use for real logarithms, with due consideration given to the special facets of complex logarithmic functions.

      Strategies to Tackle Complex Logarithm Problems

      When solving a problem involving complex logarithms, there are a few indispensable strategies you might find helpful.

      Express in Polar Form: Given a complex logarithmic equation, it's easier to solve if you express the complex number in polar form (\(r(cos \theta + i sin \theta)\)). It makes the calculation more straightforward, as the modulus (absolute value) and argument of the complex number can be directly plugged into the logarithmic function.

      A key point to remember here is that the argument of a complex number (in radians) is not unique, given the periodic nature of sine and cosine functions. Therefore, you must be ready to deal with multiple possible answers for complex logarithm problems.

      Use Logarithmic Properties: The properties of logarithms you learned in the context of real numbers apply as well to complex numbers. You can utilise these properties for simplifying, expanding, or simplifying complex logarithmic equations.

      For instance, here are a few useful logarithmic properties:
      • \(Log(a*b) = Log(a) + Log(b)\)
      • \(Log(a/b) = Log(a) - Log(b)\)
      • \(Log(a^b) = b*Log(a)\)

      Solving Challenging Complex Logarithm Problems

      Sometimes, you might encounter more complicated problems, like finding roots of complex logarithm equations or dealing with nested complex logarithm expressions. In such cases, the combination of strategies will likely prove beneficial.

      Nesting: Logarithms can often be nested within each other, leading to complex logarithms within complex logarithms. In these cases, it is useful to simplify the internal logarithm first before progressing step-by-step outward.

      Here is an illustrative example: Calculate \( Log( Log(e^{i\pi}) ) \) First, notice that \( e^{i\pi} = -1 \), so the problem simplifies to \( Log( Log(-1) ) \). Next, using Euler's identity and the definition of the complex logarithm, the basic logarithm \(Log(-1)\) can simplified as \[ Log(-1) = Log(|-1|) + i (Arg(-1) + 2k\pi) = 0 + i(\pi + 2k\pi) = i\pi(2k+1) \] Here, \(k\) is any integer. Now, the problem becomes \( Log(i\pi(2k+1)) \), which is a standard complex logarithm problem that can be solved with the above-discussed strategies. Solving complex logarithm problems requires a clear understanding of logarithmic properties, the definition of complex logarithms and a familiarisation with the forms of complex numbers. The key to success, as always, is practice. Every new problem tackled enhances knowledge and understanding of these fascinating mathematical constructs, pushing the boundaries of what can be accomplished. Happy solving!

      Complex Logarithm - Key takeaways

      • Complex Logarithm: It's an extension of the simple logarithm to the realm of complex numbers, given by the formula: logarithm of \( b \) is represented as \( Log(b) = ln|b| + i * Arg(b) \), where \( ln|b| \) is the natural logarithm of absolute value of \( b \), and \( Arg(b) \) is the argument of \( b \).
      • Complex Logarithm Examples: The complex logarithm of a complex number like \( z = 1 + i \) is calculated as \( Log(z) = ln|z| + i * Arg(z) = ln(\sqrt{2}) + i(\pi/4) \).
      • Complex Logarithm Applications: Complex logarithms find applications in various fields like quantum mechanics, electrical engineering, signal processing, fluid dynamics and more. They simplify phase analysis in electrical signals, contribute to signal processing, aid in understanding fluid flows around objects, and are crucial in stability analysis of control systems.
      • Complex Logarithm Functions: Complex logarithm functions are multivalued due to the periodicity of the trigonometric functions involved in their definition. For a complex number \( z = r(cos \, \theta + i \, sin \, \theta) \), the complex logarithm function \( Log(z) \) is represented as \( Log(z) = Log(r) + i(\theta + 2k\pi) \), where \( k \) is an integer and its different values give different complex logarithms of the same complex number.
      • Complex Logarithm Properties: The properties of complex logarithms include the multiplication property \( Log(z_1 \times z_2) = Log(z_1) + Log(z_2) \), the division property \( Log(\frac{z_1}{z_2}) = Log(z_1) - Log(z_2) \), and the power property \( Log({z_1}^{z_2}) = z_2 \times Log(z_1) \). Additionally, due to the cyclical nature of angles in complex numbers, complex logarithms also possess a multivalued characteristic.
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      Frequently Asked Questions about Complex Logarithm
      Can a complex logarithm be negative?
      Yes, the complex logarithm can be negative. This is because the argument of a complex number, used in the calculation of the complex logarithm, can range between -π and π, including negative values.
      Do complex numbers have logarithms?
      Yes, complex numbers do have logarithms. These are defined using the principle of complex logarithmic function. Complex logarithms are not entirely similar to real number logarithms due to their multivalued nature.
      How can one condense complex logarithms? Please write in UK English.
      Condensing Complex Logarithm involves using Euler's Formula. The logarithm of a complex number z=log(r*e^(iθ)) is condensed as log(z)=log(r)+iθ, where r is the absolute value of z and θ is the argument of z. It is represented in polar coordinates.
      How to graph complex logarithmic functions?
      To graph complex logarithmic functions, plot the real and imaginary parts separately on the Cartesian plane. Use a suitable scale for the complex plane where horizontal and vertical lines represent real and imaginary parts respectively. Note that complex logarithms are multi-valued due to 2πi periodicity.
      Why is the complex logarithmic function considered discontinuous in UK English?
      The Complex Logarithmic function is considered discontinuous due to the concept of 'branch cuts'. These are lines or curves in the complex plane across which a multivalued function is discontinuous. For complex logarithm, the primary branch cut is typically taken along the negative real axis.
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