Advise vs Advice

Have you ever wondered about the distinction between advise and advice? If yes, then you're not alone. Many of us are often confused about these two words. This in-depth guide is dedicated to helping you understand and use these words correctly, shedding light on their meaning, differences, and usage across various dialects of English.

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Advise vs Advice


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Have you ever wondered about the distinction between advise and advice? If yes, then you're not alone. Many of us are often confused about these two words. This in-depth guide is dedicated to helping you understand and use these words correctly, shedding light on their meaning, differences, and usage across various dialects of English.

Advise vs Advice: summary

Before diving into the nuances of advise and advice, let's first address what they are. As a broad overview, 'advise' is a verb, while 'advice' is a noun. Their usage, while seeming interchangeable to an untrained eye, is indeed very different.

Advise vs Advice: meaning

This is where we draw the first line. The meaning of advise and advice differs based on their grammatical functions in sentences.

Advise: The Action Word

Advise is a verb that means to give suggestions or recommendations about a course of action to someone. It stems from the Old French aviser, meaning 'consider, reflect'.

John advised his friend to apply for the job.

Advice: The Noun

On the other hand, advice is a noun that refers to the guidance or recommendations provided. It comes from the Old French word avis or avise, meaning 'opinion'.

She gave some sound advice on dealing with stress.

Advice vs Advise: examples

As they say, nothing beats learning by example. Here, we will look at a couple of examples that demonstrate the difference between advise and advice.

Advise vs Advice examples
Correct Advise example
IncorrectI advice you to take this road.
CorrectI advise you to take this road.
Correct Advice examples
IncorrectCan you give me some advise on my project?
CorrectCan you give me some advice on my project?

From these examples, you can see how swapping these two words can lead to incorrect sentences.

Advice vs Advise: UK English

The UK usage of advise and advice aligns with the standard English rules. However, it's essential to discuss the nuances of advise and advice in UK English since it's often a point of confusion for non-native speakers.

The UK follows the noun/verb distinction strictly. However, in informal settings, you might encounter 'advise' being used as a noun, but this is a non-standard usage and considered incorrect.

The difference between 'advise' and 'advice' is also present in US English. Just like in UK English, advise is used as a verb and advice as a noun in US English.

Advice vs Advise: difference

Let's further underline the differences between advise and advice in their grammatical function and pronounciation.

Grammatical Function

As stated earlier, the primary difference lies in their grammatical function: 'advise' is a verb, 'advice' is a noun.


In standard English, 'advise' (verb) is pronounced with a 'z' sound, while 'advice' (noun) is pronounced with an 's' sound.

Advice vs Advise in a sentence

Understanding how to use 'advise' and 'advice' in sentences is crucial to mastering these terms.

Advice vs Advise in English Sentences
Advice examplesAdvise examples
She gave me valuable advice on how to handle job interviews.My financial advisor advised me to diversify my portfolio.
His father's advice played a significant role in his decision.The doctor advised the patient to get more rest.
Despite all the advice he received, he still made the same mistakes.The weather forecast advised people to stay indoors due to the storm.
The self-help book provided sound advice on managing stress.He advised his friends against taking the shortcut due to safety concerns.
I could really use some advice on how to prepare this dish.I strongly advise you to reconsider your decision.

In the grand scope of the English language, the difference between advise and advice might seem minute. However, understanding such nuances is crucial to mastering English. Remember, 'advise' is an action you do, and 'advice' is something you give or receive.

Advise vs Advice - Key takeaways

  • The main difference between advise vs advice is that 'advise' is a verb, while 'advice' is a noun.
  • Advise is a verb that means to give suggestions or recommendations about a course of action to someone. It stems from the Old French aviser, meaning 'consider, reflect'.
  • On the other hand, advice is a noun that refers to the guidance or recommendations provided. It comes from the Old French word avis or avise, meaning 'opinion'.
  • The UK usage of advise and advice aligns with the standard English rules.
  • In standard English, 'advise' (verb) is pronounced with a 'z' sound, while 'advice' (noun) is pronounced with an 's' sound.

Frequently Asked Questions about Advise vs Advice

'Advise' and 'advice' cannot be used interchangeably as 'Advise' is a verb, and 'advice' is a noun.

Yes, 'advise' is pronounced with a 'z' sound, while 'advice' is pronounced with an 's' sound.

The usage of advise and advice is the same in both American and British English.

In standard English, 'advise' should not be used as a noun. The correct noun form is 'advice'.

No, 'advice' is an uncountable noun and does not have a plural form.

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