U-2 Incident

Not all spies are successful nor are all presidents good liars. Francis Gary Powers was not a successful spy and President Dwight Eisenhower was not a good liar. The U-2 Incident, though overlooked at times, was an event that drove U.S.-Soviet relations back to the beginning of the Cold War. If someone thought that maybe relations between the two were about to thaw after the death of Stalin, that someone thought wrong. So let's explore the U-2 Incident in detail.

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U-2 Incident U-2 Incident

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    1960 U-2 Incident summary

    In July 1958, President Dwight Eisenhower asked the prime minister of Pakistan, Feroze Khan Noon, about establishing a clandestine U.S. intelligence facility in Pakistan. U.S.-Pakistan relations had been relatively warm ever since Pakistan's declaration of independence in 1947. The U.S. was among the first countries to establish relations with the newly-independent Pakistan.

    Thanks to this cordial relationship between the two countries, Pakistan granted Eisenhower his request and a U.S.-run secret intelligence facility was constructed in Badaber. Badaber is located less than a hundred kilometres from the Afghan-Pakistani Border. Establishing this base of operation was crucial for the Americans as it provided easy access to Soviet Central Asia. Badaber would be used as a takeoff and landing point for the U-2 spy plane.

    The more you know...

    The U-2 spy plane was a reconnaissance aircraft developed by the United States in the mid-1950s. Its main objective was to fly at high altitudes above territories (so as to avoid detection) of interest and gather sensitive photographic material to supply the CIA with proof of dangerous activity on foreign soil. The U-2 activity was most prevalent during the 1960s.

    U.S.-Pakistani Relations in the late 1950s

    The establishment of the intelligence facility on Pakistani soil very likely drew the two countries closer. In 1959, a year after the construction of the facility, the U.S. military and economic aid to Pakistan reached a record high. Though this might have been a simple coincidence, it is no doubt that Pakistan's aid to U.S. intelligence played a role.

    Initially, Eisenhower did not want an American citizen to pilot the U-2, because in case the plane was ever shot down, the pilot was captured and was discovered that be an American, which would look like a sign of aggression. Thus, the two initial flights were piloted by pilots of the British Royal Air Force.

    U2 Affair. President Dwight Eisenhower. StudySmarterFig. 1: President Dwight Eisenhower

    The British pilots were successful in flying the U-2 without getting detected and even got information regarding the intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) stationed in Soviet Central Asia. But Eisenhower needed more information, which was why he called for two more missions. Now, the U-2 was to be flown by American pilots. The first one was a success, much like the previous two. But the last flight, piloted by Francis Gary Powers was not.

    U2 Affair. The U-2 spy plane. StudySmarterFig. 2: The U-2 spy plane

    The U-2 spy plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. Despite being shot down, Powers managed to eject out of the plane and land safely, albeit on Soviet soil. He was arrested straight away.

    U2 Affair. Soviet surface-to-air defence missiles (S-75). StudySmarterFig. 3: Soviet surface-to-air defence missiles (S-75)

    All this transpired on 1 May 1960 just two weeks before the Paris Summit. The Paris Summit was important for three major reasons:

    1. It was a meeting between world leaders including Eisenhower and Khrushchev, where they had a platform to discuss the situation in Cuba. Now that the Cuban Revolution had ended just a year ago, in 1959, a Communist government led by Fidel Castro was established. A Communist country on the United States' doorstep was not, of course, viewed positively;
    2. In The case of Berlin and the thousands that were fleeing from East Berlin into the West, Ally controlled sectors of Berlin;
    3. And the most important point. The main reason for the calling of the Paris Summit. The nuclear test ban. With the Arms Race in full swing, nuclear tests were not uncommon. In pursuing nuclear proliferation, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were on the verge of creating vast no-go and unlivable regions due to their radioactivity.

    Both Eisenhower and Khrushchev arrived in Paris to hold these talks. But on May 16, Khrushchev declared that he would not participate in the Summit unless the U.S. formally apologised for violating Soviet air sovereignty and punished the people responsible. Naturally, Eisenhower denied any claims that the plane that was shot down was used for spying, which was why he never apologised. But Eisenhower's denial was unfounded, as the Soviets had discovered photographs and footage that had been taken during Powers' flight on the U-2. The Soviets had all the evidence they needed.

    Such a brash response from the American President angered Khrushchev, which was why the next day, on 17 May, Krushchev walked out of the Paris Summit, officially adjourning this high-level meeting. The Paris Summit collapsed and the three main points of the agenda were never addressed.

    Air sovereignty

    All states have the right to air sovereignty, meaning that they can regulate their airspace by enforcing their aviation laws and can use military means such as fighter planes to enforce their sovereignty.

    Somebody had to apologise!

    And somebody did. Pakistan. Following Khrushchev's walk-out at the Paris Summit of May 1960, the Pakistani government soon issued a formal apology to the Soviet Union for their participation in the American-led U-2 mission.

    Francis Gary Powers U-2 Incident

    Following his capture, Francis Gary Powers was tried for espionage and sentenced to 10 years of hard labour. Despite his sentence, Powers only served in the Soviet prison for two years, in February 1962. He was part of a prisoner exchange between the United States and the Soviet Union. Powers was exchanged for the British-born Soviet spy William August Fisher, who was also known as Rudolf Abel.

    U2 Affair. Francis Gary Powers. StudySmarterFig. 4: Francis Gary Powers

    Effects and Significance of the U-2 Incident

    The immediate effect of the U-2 incident was the failure of the Paris Summit. The 1950s, following the death of Stalin, were a period in which the tension between the United States and the Soviet Union were easing. The Paris Summit could have been a venue for Eisenhower and Khrushchev to come to a mutual understanding. Instead, the United States was humiliated on an international level. In walking out, Khrushchev effectively ended the possibility of discussing Cuba, Berlin, and the nuclear test ban with Eisenhower.

    In just a year, the Berlin Wall was erected, completely shutting off East Berlin from West Berlin. The U-2 incident undoubtedly exacerbated this situation. Ironically, as mentioned above, the tension around Berlin was meant to be one of the main topics of discussion between the two leaders.

    The more you know...

    Though the most famous of the bunch, the U-2 piloted by Francis Gary Powers was not the only U-2 spy plane that was shot down. In 1962, yet another U-2 spy plane, piloted by Rudolf Anderson (not to be confused with the above-mentioned Rudolf Abel!), was shot down in Cuba, in the week following the beginning of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Unlike Powers, however, Anderson did not survive.

    U-2 Incident - Key takeaways

    • The U-2 operation was to be headed by the U.S. secret intelligence facility in Pakistan.
    • The 1960 U-2 mission was flown four times. All flights were a success but the last.
    • Initially the U.S. denied all claims that the U-2 plane was a spy plane.
    • Visiting Paris for a Summit, Khrushchev demanded that the Americans apologise and punish all those responsible for violating Soviet airspace.
    • The U.S. did not apologise, prompting Khrushchev to walk out and put an end to the Summit, thus never discussing important topics that could have thawed relations between the Soviet Union and the United States.


    1. Odd Arne Westad, The Cold War: A World History (2017)
    2. Fig. 1: Dwight D. Eisenhower, official photo portrait, May 29, 1959 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dwight_D._Eisenhower,_official_photo_portrait,_May_29,_1959.jpg) by White House, licenced as public domain
    3. Fig. 2: U-2 Spy Plane With Fictitious NASA Markings - GPN-2000-000112 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:U-2_Spy_Plane_With_Fictitious_NASA_Markings_-_GPN-2000-000112.jpg) by NASA, licenced as public domain
    4. Fig. 3: Зенитный ракетный комплекс С-75 (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%D0%97%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81_%D0%A1-75.jpg) by Министерство обороны России (Ministry of Defence of Russia), licenced as CC BY 4.0
    5. Fig. 4: RIAN archive 35172 Powers Wears Special Pressure Suit (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RIAN_archive_35172_Powers_Wears_Special_Pressure_Suit.jpg) by Chernov / Чернов, licenced as CC-BY-SA 3.0
    Frequently Asked Questions about U-2 Incident

    What was the U 2 incident? 

    The U-2 incident was an event where the Soviet Air Defence systems shot down the U.S. reconnaissance plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers.

    Who was involved in the U-2 affair?

    The parties involved in the U-2 incident were the Soviet Union and the United States. The incident took place in May 1960.

    What caused the U-2 incident? 

    The U-2 incident was caused by the United State's desire to uncover the locations and the amount of Soviet warheads stationed in Soviet Central Asia and Soviet Russia.

    What were the effects of the U-2 incident? 

    The U-2 incident further harmed U.S.-Soviet relations. Due to the incident, the Paris Summit never took place.

    What happened to Gary Powers after his plane was shot down? 

    After being shot down, Gary Powers was imprisoned and sentenced to 10 years but was released in 2 years for a prisoner exchange.

    Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

    Who was President of the United States in 1960, during the U-2 Affair?

    Which country was used as a base for the U-2 planes to take off?

    Which international summit collapsed following the U-2 Affair?


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