
'Never Eat Shredded Wheat'! Or was it soggy Weetabix? Maybe it was sour watermelon. Either way, this is how many of us were taught the points of a compass. But did you know that this is an example of an acrostic

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'Never Eat Shredded Wheat'! Or was it soggy Weetabix? Maybe it was sour watermelon. Either way, this is how many of us were taught the points of a compass. But did you know that this is an example of an acrostic?

As many of us still recall which way is 'north', we know that an acrostic is a good tool for memory. It's also a favourite device of certain poets who love adding an extra cryptic dimension to their poetry. Let's look in more detail at the term's meaning and some acrostic examples. We'll also explore acrostic usage across time in more detail and even throw in an acrostic poem template at the end!

Acrostic meaning

What is an acrostic? Here's a preliminary definition to get us started.

An acrostic is a composition in which specific letters, usually occurring across subsequent lines, words, or paragraphs, spell out a particular word or phrase.

It's challenging to offer a one-size-fits-all definition for the acrostic because it can take many different forms. Let's look in more detail at key variations and examples to help us understand them.

The word 'acrostic' derives from the Greek words akros, meaning 'at the end' and stichos, which means 'line'.

Acrostic examples

Not all acrostics are created equal! Let's look at examples of four of the most common variations in more detail.


You'll be most familiar with the version in which the first letter of each line forms a word. For example:

S itting on the beach in the sun

U nder the sea snorkelling with friends

N eatly stacking sand into castles.

As you can see, the first letter of each of these lines adds up to spell the word 'sun'.

For a reader to pick up on an acrostic, it's vital that it has some relevance to the main themes of the verse. In the previous example, the acrostic 'sun' is closely linked to the beach, sandcastles, and snorkelling, so it's evident to the reader that it's an intentional choice. If the acrostic spelt the word 'sun', but the poem described eating a pizza, we may think it's all just a coincidence!


A telestich occurs when the acrostic takes place on the last letters of a line. For example:

Scallop and Bee F

Fajita and Burrit O

Carrot and Potat O

Cake and custar D

The final letters here make the acrostic 'food'. In a telastich, it can be helpful if the lines are roughly the same length. This helps the last letters of the verse line up, improving the visual effect of the technique.

Double acrostic

In this unconventional version of the acrostic, the first and last letters of each line make a word. Think of the double acrostic as a combination of the conventional acrostic and the telestich. Usually, both sides consist of the same word. For example:

H ow difficult is the double acrostic to accomplis H

A challenge for any writer; it is quite the dilemm A

R eversing these lines is an enormous constricto R

D o give this one a go; it's great fun but also har D

That was a tough one! You can see why the double acrostic is a challenging poem to master. Once again, keeping lines to a similar length helps make the visual effect of the acrostic more striking.


The abecedarius (also known as the abecedarian) is a unique type of acrostic in which each word or line begins with letters of the alphabet in order. Here's an example:

A rranging time to get out in nature

B oosts your mood and helps you relax

C alms you down and refreshes your mind

D o give it a try when you have the time.

As you can see, the first four letters of the alphabet are listed here in alphabetical order. Of course, many poets don't stop there, and many longer verses continue this pattern for the entire alphabet!

The abecedarius is likely the oldest form of acrostic. It was frequently used in psalms, such as within the Book of Lamentations and the Hebrew Bible.

Acrostic usage

The acrostic has been used used for a variety of purposes across history. Let's look in more detail at some of the


Acrostics are ca. Writers and poets who want their audience to remember a certain passage may include acrostics to create a more memorable verse. Perhaps this is why abecedarius was common in religious texts like the Hebrew Bible; some verses, like Psalm 145, were recited three times each day in Jewish services, meaning that having a recognisable, memorable text may have been necessary.

Did you know? Mnemonics, which are frequently used to help students memorise information, are actually a form of acrostic. Ever learned the names of the planets or the notes on a piano? Chances are you've come across acrostics designed to make essential patterns easier to remember!

Hidden messages

Some authors and poets choose to encode hidden messages within their work. It could be a secret message, some additional information, or the key to the entire plot. For example, Vladimir Nabokov's (1899-1977) short story 'The Vane Sisters' (1951) contains the message 'Icicles by Cynthia; Meter from me, Sybil'. While it may initially seem unusual, this acrostic is actually a vital tool for those attempting to interpret the cryptic story.


In medieval times, acrostics were occasionally used as a tool for authors to sign their work. Some poets would put their name in acrostic form in the first lines of their verse. German narrative poet Rudolf von Ems (1200-54) was well-known for this technique.

Acrostic poem

Let's look at some examples of poetry containing acrostics!

Edgar Allan Poe's 'An Acrostic' (1829)

This is an example of a conventional acrostic. The first letter of every line spells out the word 'Elizabeth'.

'Elizabeth it is in vain you say"Love not" — thou sayest it in so sweet a way:In vain those words from thee or L.E.L.Zantippe's talents had enforced so well:Ah! if that language from thy heart arise,Breath it less gently forth — and veil thine eyes.Endymion, recollect, when Luna triedTo cure his love — was cured of all beside —His follie — pride — and passion — for he died.'

This poem was never published in Poe's lifetime. Instead, it was discovered and included in a posthumous 1911 anthology of his work. The acrostic is likely a tribute to Poe's cousin Elizabeth Rebecca Herring. It's also believed that 'L.E.L' refers to Letitia Elizabeth Landon, a poet who famously signed her initials on all her work.

Edgar Allan Poe Acrostic StudySmarterFig 1. - Edgar Allan Poe is the poet behind 'An Acrostic'.

Geoffrey Chaucer's 'La Priere de Nostre Dame' (1369)

This piece by Chaucer (c. 1343-1400) is an example of an abecedarian poem.

'Almighty and all-merciable Queen,To whom all this world fleeth for succour,

Bounty so fix'd hath in thy heart his tent,That well I wot thou wilt my succour be...

Comfort is none, but in you, Lady dear! For lo! my sin and my confusion,

Doubt is there none, Queen of misericorde That thou art cause of grace and mercy here'

There are 26 stanzas, all eight lines long, and the first letter of each stanza spells the alphabet in order. The poem is frequently referred to as the 'Chaucer alphabet' or 'Chaucer's ABCs'.

Jessica Greenbaum's 'A Poem for S' (2012)

For a more recent example of an abecedarian poem, look no further than Jessica Greenbaum's (1957–present) 'A Poem for S'.

'Because you used to leaf through the dictionary,

Casually, as someone might in a barber shop, and

Devotedly, as someone might in a sanctuary,

Each letter would still have your attention if not

For the responsibilities life has tightly fit, like

Gears around the cog of you, like so many petals'

Whereas some poets prefer to start a new thought with each new letter of the alphabet, Greenbaum takes the traditional abecedarian format and blends it with enjambment. The jump from one letter to the next feels natural, creating a poem that flows effortlessly.

Enjambment is a term used to describe a phrase or sentence 'running over' from one line of poetry to the next.

Acrostic poem template

Structuring your own acrostic is easy! Simply take a lined page and draw the starting letters of your acrostic on the left-hand side. Then, fill in the rest of your phrases, ensuring each sentence starts with the correct letter. Here's a simple acrostic we made for you to use as inspiration.

StudySmarter acrostic poem template Acrostic StudySmarterFig 2. Making an acrostic is a fun, challenging way to give your brain a workout. Try it for yourself!

Remember to try and make your word relevant to the content of your poem. For example, suppose we were using the above 'Study Smarter' example as our acrostic, we'd write a poem about all of the high-quality free articles, study materials, and learning tools available to you on our website and in the app!

Acrostic - Key takeaways

  • An acrostic is a composition in which specific letters, usually taking place across subsequent lines, words, or paragraphs, spell out a special word or phrase.
  • Acrostics should link to the subject matter of the poem so it appears intentional to the reader.
  • Acrostics can come in many variations, including the conventional acrostic, the telestich, the double acrostic, and the abecedarius.
  • Acrostics can be used for memorability, to hide cryptic messages, and to claim authorship.
  • Some famous examples of acrostics are Edgar Allan Poe's 'An Acrostic' (1829), Geoffrey Chaucer's 'La Priere de Nostre Dame' (1369), and Jessica Greenbaum's 'A poem for S.' (2012).

Frequently Asked Questions about Acrostic

An acrostic is a composition in which specific letters, usually taking place across subsequent lines, words, or paragraphs, spell out a special word or phrase.

An example of an acrostic is:

S itting on the beach in the sun

U nder the sea snorkelling with friends

N eatly stacking sand into castles.

Take a lined page and draw the starting letters of your acrostic on the left hand side. Then fill in the rest of your phrases, making sure that each sentence starts with the correct letter. 

An acrostic can be used to make something more memorable, to hide a hidden message in poetry, or to claim authorship.

The types of acrostic poem are the conventional acrostic, the telestich, the double acrostic, and the abecedarius.

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

All acrostics are created equal. Is this true or false?

A double acrostic is a conventional version of the acrostic. Is this true or false?

What is the oldest form of the acrostic?


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