Future Progressive Tense

English language learners often encounter various tenses that might seem daunting at first glance. However, it is crucial to understand the intricacies and functions of each tense in order to effectively communicate in different situations. One such tense is the Future Progressive Tense, which plays a vital role in expressing ongoing actions or events that will happen in the future. In this article, you will explore the meaning of Future Progressive Tense, the rules that govern its usage, and how to construct sentences using this tense. Additionally, you will find helpful exercises and tips to enhance your mastery of Future Progressive Tense, ensuring a smooth learning journey and a comprehensive understanding of this important aspect of the English language.

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Future Progressive Tense


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English language learners often encounter various tenses that might seem daunting at first glance. However, it is crucial to understand the intricacies and functions of each tense in order to effectively communicate in different situations. One such tense is the Future Progressive Tense, which plays a vital role in expressing ongoing actions or events that will happen in the future. In this article, you will explore the meaning of Future Progressive Tense, the rules that govern its usage, and how to construct sentences using this tense. Additionally, you will find helpful exercises and tips to enhance your mastery of Future Progressive Tense, ensuring a smooth learning journey and a comprehensive understanding of this important aspect of the English language.

Understanding Future Progressive Tense

When learning the English language, one of the important tenses you'll come across is the Future Progressive Tense. This tense is used to express actions that will be happening or going on at a specific time in the future. Let's examine the meaning of Future Progressive Tense, how to form simple sentences, and some important rules to keep in mind when using this tense.

Future Progressive Tense Meaning

The Future Progressive Tense, also known as the Future Continuous Tense, is used to describe actions that will be occurring in the future over a period of time. It indicates that the action will start in the future and will continue, usually for a limited time. This tense helps convey the idea of ongoing or unfinished actions, highlighting the process or duration of the action rather than the outcome or result.

The key features of the Future Progressive Tense are:

  • Expresses actions that will be happening in the future
  • Emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action
  • Conveys the sense of duration or process

Example: "She will be reading a book this afternoon." (The ongoing action of reading a book will happen in the future)

Simple Future Progressive Tense

To form a simple sentence in the Future Progressive Tense, follow this structure:

Subject + will be + verb-ing (present participle)

Here is a table showing how to create simple sentences using this tense:

PositiveShe will be working.
NegativeShe will not be working or She won't be working.
QuestionWill she be working?

Note that we use the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb after the auxiliary verbs "will be". The subject can be singular or plural, and the form remains the same.

Tip: If you're confused about the usage of "going to" or "will", remember that "going to" is generally used for planned actions or intentions, while "will" is often used for spontaneous decisions or predictions. However, both are often used interchangeably in everyday situations.

Future Progressive Tense Rules

When using the Future Progressive Tense, there are some essential rules and guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. Time expressions: To indicate the specific time frame in which the action will take place, use time expressions like "at this time tomorrow", "by the end of the week", or "next month". Example: "We will be having dinner at 7pm."
  2. Non-action (stative) verbs: Remember that certain "non-action" or stative verbs which describe states of being, emotions or thoughts, usually do not take the progressive tense. Examples of stative verbs include: love, hate, know, understand, and believe. Example: Incorrect - "I will be knowing the result tomorrow." Correct - "I will know the result tomorrow."
  3. Polite or formal expressions: The Future Progressive Tense can be used to make polite offers or inquiries, giving a less direct and more formal tone. Example: "Will you be needing any help?"
  4. Simultaneous actions: When two actions will be happening simultaneously in the future, the Future Progressive Tense can be used for both verbs. Example: "While she is making dinner, he will be setting the table."

How to Construct Future Progressive Tense Sentences

Mastering the Future Progressive Tense requires understanding its structure, knowing the formula to construct sentences, and practicing with plenty of examples. Let's delve deeper into these aspects to help you construct sentences confidently.

Future Progressive Tense Structure

When forming Future Progressive Tense sentences, it's crucial to understand how the different components come together. The structure contains a subject, auxiliary verbs, and a main verb in its present participle form (verb-ing). Here is how each component functions within the sentence:

  1. Subject: The subject performs the action in the sentence. It can be a noun, pronoun, or even multiple nouns acting together. Example: Anna, they, John and Mary
  2. Auxiliary verbs: These consist of "will be" and are used in conjunction with the main verb's present participle form (verb-ing). This denotes that the action will take place in the future.
  3. Main verb: The main verb in its present participle (-ing) form describes the ongoing action. Example: work, read, play

With the proper understanding of these components, it becomes easier to create well-structured sentences in the Future Progressive Tense.

Future Progressive Tense Formula

To create Future Progressive Tense sentences, adhere to this formula:

Subject + will be + verb-ing (present participle)

Let's look at three main types of sentences - positive, negative, and question:

Positive: She will be working.

Negative: She will not be working (or She won't be working).

Question: Will she be working?

This same formula applies to plural subjects:

Positive: They will be playing.

Negative: They will not be playing (or They won't be playing).

Question: Will they be playing?

Understanding and implementing this formula is key to forming grammatically correct sentences in the Future Progressive Tense.

Future Progressive Tense Examples

To solidify your grasp on the Future Progressive Tense, let's look at some examples covering different sentence structures:


  • Tomorrow, he will be watching TV.
  • We will be celebrating our anniversary next week.


  • At this time next month, I won't be working on the project.
  • They will not be studying for the exam tomorrow.


  • Will the team be practising in the morning?
  • What will she be doing at 3 pm?

Simultaneous actions:

  • While you are preparing dinner, I will be setting the table.
  • As the children are playing, the teacher will be supervising them.

Using the structure, formula, and examples provided in this section will help you construct and understand a variety of sentences in the Future Progressive Tense effectively.

Practicing Future Progressive Tense Skills

Practicing is essential when it comes to mastering the Future Progressive Tense. With a combination of exercises, tips, and consistent effort, you'll strengthen your understanding and use of the tense with confidence. In this section, we will explore exercises and tips that will help you improve your Future Progressive Tense skills.

Future Progressive Tense Exercises

Completing various exercises helps familiarise yourself with the Future Progressive Tense, solidify your understanding, and improve sentence construction skills. The following exercises focus on different aspects of the tense and will aid in your learning process:

  1. Fill in the blanks: Complete sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Look for clues regarding the tense from the context of the sentence.

Example: At 5 pm today, she _____ (cook) dinner.

Correct answer: At 5 pm today, she will be cooking dinner.

  1. Transforming sentences: Convert sentences from one form to another (positive, negative, or question) without changing the meaning.

Example: They will be visiting their grandparents tomorrow.

Correct answers:

  • Negative: They won't be visiting their grandparents tomorrow.
  • Question: Will they be visiting their grandparents tomorrow?
  1. Matching exercises: Match sentences with their corresponding timeline or situation.


1. The train will be arriving soon.2. They will be staying at the hotel for a week.

a. Future short-term actionb. Action with a specific duration.

Correct answers: 1a, 2b

Performing these exercises on a regular basis will help you become more confident in constructing and understanding Future Progressive Tense sentences.

Tips for Mastering Future Progressive Tense

In addition to completing exercises, following these tips can further enhance your mastery of the Future Progressive Tense:

  1. Practice every day: Regular practice is vital for improving language skills, especially when learning a new tense. Set aside a specific time each day for practice, focusing on different aspects of the Future Progressive Tense.
  2. Write sentences: Writing both simple and complex sentences with varying subjects and verbs enables a better grasp of how to use this tense. Do this as part of your daily practice to strengthen your understanding.
  3. Read and listen to content: Exposure to authentic English materials, such as books, articles, podcasts, or videos, helps in observing the usage of the Future Progressive Tense in context. Moreover, it offers examples and reinforces the sentence structure.
  4. Engage in conversation: Try incorporating the Future Progressive Tense into daily conversations with others, either in person or online. This allows you to practice the tense in real-life situations, resulting in better retention.
  5. Review and revise: Regularly go back to the rules, structure, and examples of the Future Progressive Tense to reinforce your understanding and avoid forgetting important aspects.
  6. Seek feedback: When possible, ask native speakers or experienced learners to evaluate and provide feedback on your usage of the Future Progressive Tense. This gives you valuable insight into your strengths and areas for improvement.

With consistent practice, dedication, and the application of these tips, your mastery of the Future Progressive Tense will gradually improve, leading to more confident usage of the tense in various contexts.

Future Progressive Tense - Key takeaways

  • Future Progressive Tense: tense used to describe actions that will be occurring in the future over a period of time.

  • Simple Future Progressive Tense formula: Subject + will be + verb-ing (present participle).

  • Polite expressions: Future Progressive Tense can be used to make polite offers or inquiries.

  • Simultaneous actions: Use Future Progressive Tense for both verbs when two actions will be happening at the same time.

  • Practice and application: Regular practice, sentence construction exercises, and tips to improve Future Progressive Tense mastery.

Frequently Asked Questions about Future Progressive Tense

The form of future progressive tense consists of 'will be' or 'shall be' followed by the present participle (base verb + -ing). For example, "I will be working" or "She shall be studying". This tense is used to express an ongoing action happening at a specific time in the future.

Future progressive tense, also called future continuous tense, is used to describe ongoing actions or events happening at a specific time in the future. For example, "At 5 o'clock tomorrow, she will be cooking dinner" or "Next month, they will be traveling to Paris."

To use the progressive aspect in the future tense, combine 'will' or 'shall' with the verb 'be' followed by the present participle of the main verb (ending in -ing). For example, 'She will be studying' or 'They shall be travelling'. Use contractions for informal speech, e.g. 'I'll be working'.

Use the future perfect progressive tense to describe ongoing actions or events that will be completed by a specific point in the future. It emphasises the duration of these actions and highlights their continuous nature leading up to that future moment.

The future present progressive tense (also known as the future continuous tense) is a verb tense used to describe an ongoing action that will happen at a specific time in the future. It is formed by combining "will be" with the present participle (gerund) of the main verb, e.g., "She will be working tomorrow."

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

What is the main purpose of the Future Progressive Tense in the English language?

To form a simple sentence in the Future Progressive Tense, which structure should you follow?

What is an important rule to remember when using specific time expressions with the Future Progressive Tense?

More about Future Progressive Tense

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