Geometric Series

Have you ever taken out a loan, or thought about how much interest you would pay if you did?   Then you were actually thinking about Geometric series, which can be used to compute the APR of a loan.

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Geometric Series


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Have you ever taken out a loan, or thought about how much interest you would pay if you did? Then you were actually thinking about Geometric series, which can be used to compute the APR of a loan.

Definition of a Geometric Series

How do you know if a series is geometric or not? It has to do with the sequence you make it from. If the sequence that makes up the series is geometric, then the series is geometric. Remember that a geometric sequence is where you get each new term in the sequence by multiplying the previous one by a constant. So the sequence will have the form a, ar, ar2, ar3, where r 0.

A geometric series is a series that is formed by summing the terms from a geometric sequence.

Formula for a Geometric Series

It is handy to look at the summation notation of a geometric series. The geometric series made from a geometric sequence looks like


where a and id="2938751" role="math" r 0 are constant real numbers. Just like with a geometric sequence, r is called the common ratio.

Note that when r = 0 the series does converge, it just isn't a geometric series any more.

Partial Sums of a Geometric Series

If you are taking out a loan, you certainly don't want to make infinitely many payments! So it can help to have a formula for the partial sums of a geometric series. The nth partial sum is

sn = a +ar + ar2 + + arn-1.

Notice that this is essentially an (n-1)st degree polynomial where r is the variable.

What happens if you multiply both sides by r? Then you get

rsn = ar +ar2 + ar3 + + arn.

So if you subtract the two equations, you get

sn - rsn= a + r + r2 + +arn-1 -ar +ar2 + + arnsn - rsn=a - arn

which is awfully nice, because then you can easily solve for sn as long as r 1 to get

sn = a - arn1 - r = a1 - rn1 - r.

Convergence of a Geometric Series

Once you have a nice formula for the partial sums of a series, you can look at the limit to see when it converges. So let's look at some values of r to see when

limnsn = limna1 - rn1 - r

exists. Doing some algebra,

limnsn = limna1 - rn1 - r= limna1 - r - arn1-r.

The first part of the limit doesn't depend on n, but you certainly need to be sure that r 1 so you aren't dividing by zero. Factoring out the constants from the second part, you have

limna1 - r - arn1-r =a1 - r - a1 - r limnrn= a1 - r1 -limnrn .

So you can see that if


exists, then the limit of the series will exist as well.

For a reminder about how to take the limit of a sequence and decide when it converges, see Limit of a Sequence

That limit exists when r is between -1 and 1. But you still have to be a little careful, because it isn't a geometric sequence if r = 0, and you can't actually use r = 1 (because that gave you division by zero) or r = -1 (because the sequence with r = -1 doesn't converge).

Sum of a Geometric Series

Geometric series are especially nice because you can say when they converge, and exactly what they converge to. From the previous discussion, a geometric series converges when -1 < r < 1 and diverges otherwise. When the geometric series converges, taking the limit of the partial sums gives you:

n=1arn-1 = a1-r.

Examples with Geometric Series

Let's look at some examples and see what geometric series can tell you.

A geometric series with a handy visual is the series


First, start with a square where the sides have length of 1. Then divide that square in half. Each half of the square has an area equal to 12.

First step of illustrating geometric series with squares StudySmarterSquare with sides of length 1, divided in half | StudySmarter Original

Next, divide the empty side in half. The new sub-section will have an area equal to 14.

Geometric series illustration with square second step StudySmarterSquare with sides of length 1, divided in half again | StudySmarter Original

Again, divide the empty section in half. It will make a subsection with area 18.

Square with sides length 1 illustrating geometric series third step StudySmarterSquare with sides of length 1, illustrating geometric series | StudySmarter Original

This process can be continued indefinitely. Below is the picture where the square has been divided 7 times.

Geometric interpretation of the geometric series with r = 1/2 StudySmarterDividing up a square to show geometric series as an area | StudySmarter Original

It looks like if you continue the process you will fill up the square. Taking a look at the geometric series,

n=112n = n=11212n-1

where it has been first rewritten to be in the correct form with a = r = 1/2. Then

n=11212n-1 = 121 - 12 = 1

which is the area of the square. So in fact this process will eventually fill the square.

Decide if the series


converges or diverges.


It can help to do some algebra first to get the series in a nicer form. Doing that,

7-n-23n+1 = 7-n7-23n3=3n3727n= 34937n

so in fact

n=17-n-23n+1 =349 n=137n.

Be careful, this is not quite the same form as the definition of a geometric series. Instead re-write it as

n=17-n-23n+1 =349 n=13737n-1

which is a geometric series with id="2938778" role="math" a = r = 3/7 and is in the correct form. Since -1 < r <1 the series converges. Even better you can say what it converges to:

n=17-n-23n+1 =349 371 - 37= 3493774= 9196.

Geometric Series - Key takeaways

  • A geometric series is made from a geometric sequence and looks like


    where a and r are constant real numbers.

  • When r = 0 this is not a geometric sequence because the ratio between consecutive terms is not constant.
  • The partial sums of a geometric sequence have the form sn = a - arn1 - r = a1 - rn1 - r.
  • A geometric series converges when -1 < r < 1 and diverges otherwise.
  • When the geometric series converges,

    n=1arn-1 = a1-r.

Frequently Asked Questions about Geometric Series

It is a series where the ratio between consecutive terms is a constant.

The ones where |r| < 1

It depends on whether the series converges or not.

You don't solve geometric series.  You solve equations with geometric series in them.

Any series with the ratio between consecutive terms being constant is an example of a geometric series.

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