Multi-Store Model of Memory

Having memories is a natural part of being human. We all have them, whether positive or negative, short or long-term, and we acquire them through life experiences. But how do these experiences get stored as memory? What is the process behind memorising your notes for an exam? And how does this process differ from learning your phone number for longer? Several models have attempted to explain long and short-term memory. Here we will outline and describe the multi-store model of memory (MSM).

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Multi-Store Model of Memory


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Having memories is a natural part of being human. We all have them, whether positive or negative, short or long-term, and we acquire them through life experiences. But how do these experiences get stored as memory? What is the process behind memorising your notes for an exam? And how does this process differ from learning your phone number for longer? Several models have attempted to explain long and short-term memory. Here we will outline and describe the multi-store model of memory (MSM).

  • In this explanation, you will get an introduction to the Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) Multi-Store Model of Memory.
  • The multi-store model of memory will then be described.
  • Moving on from this, the explanation will outline and evaluate the Multi-Store Model of memory.
  • Then, the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-store memory model will be presented.
  • Last, the explanation will review the difference between the multi-store model of memory and working memory.

Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) Multi-Store Model of Memory

The multi-store model of memory, also known as the modal model, was proposed by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin in 1968. This is one of the earliest models of memory. The MSM describes the flow between three store components: i.e., the process of placing newly acquired information into memory. Each of the store components has its characteristics.

Three variables can be used to describe the stores that information passes through: capacity, coding, and duration.

First, capacity refers to the amount of information stored in memory. Second, coding refers to how information from the environment is changed to store memory.

Information entering the brain via the senses is stored in various forms.

There are three main ways in which information can be encoded:

  1. Visual coding refers to transferring information that you see to memory, for example, reading a map.
  2. Acoustic coding refers to transferring the information you hear to memory, for example, by listening to podcasts.
  3. Semantic coding refers to transferring meaning that you understand to memory, for example, the concept of infinity in maths.

Last, duration refers to how long the information is available for retrieval or lasts in the memory store.

Multi-Store Model of Memory: Description

The multi-store model of memory is also known as the modal model. The model was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968. It is a structural model that consists of three core components that work together in a linear fashion.

The MST has three-store components: the sensory register (SR), short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM). Each store is a unitary structure. Memory is formed sequentially, and information passes from one store component in the model to the next in a fixed and linear order.

Multi-Store Model of Memory: Sensory Register

The sensory register (SR) is the first store in the MSM, which includes information from all five senses. Information is coded differently according to the senses, so five stores are in the sensory register. The main stores include iconic memory (visual information is coded visually) and echoic memory (auditory information is coded acoustically).

The capacity of the sensory register is substantial as it includes all sensory experiences. Sensory registers have a brief duration, lasting around ¼ to ½ a second. Information passes from the sensory register to short-term memory only when attention is paid to establishing the linear sequence.

Multi-Store Model of Memory: Short-term Memory

Short-term memory (STM) has a limited duration. Information in STM will quickly decay if not rehearsed. Also, STM has a limited capacity of only 7 +/- 2 items; information will be displaced by new information entering STM. Information in the STM is coded mainly acoustically.

Rehearsal is needed to keep information in STM. This process is called maintenance rehearsal. Further prolonged rehearsal (a long rehearsal period) will move information from STM to long-term memory (LTM) to establish the linear sequence.

Multi-Store Model of Memory: Long-term memory

Long-term memory (LTM) has potentially unlimited capacity and duration. Information in LTM is mainly coded semantically. Obtaining information from LTM entails the process of information travelling back through STM, known as retrieval. Forgetting can occur if you cannot locate the memory in LTM or if the memory was never made permanent in the first place.

Sensory register (SM)
Short-term memory (STM)
Long-term memory (LTM)
Different stores for each sense
Mainly acoustic
Mainly semantic
Very larger capacity (Including all sensory experience)
7 +/- 2 items
¼ to ½ second
0-18 seconds

Multi-Store Model of Memory: Outline and Evaluation

The MSM has been tested in multiple psychological studies. The MSM has successfully explained behavioural change due to brain damage. In 2008, Wilson, Kopelmand and Kapur assessed patient CW, a professional musician who suffered from amnesia after being diagnosed with a neurological disorder.

Patient CW was able to recognise his handwriting as well as clips of himself. However, he reported not being conscious at the time of the clips. This case study provides evidence of a sensory register that processes memory from the sense.

Difference between the Multi-Model of Memory and Working Memory

Baddeley and Hitch (1974) developed a working memory model (WMM) which challenges the MSM. The central distinction of Baddeley and Hitch's (1974) theory was that they believed short-term memory did not consist of a single store but included multiple stores. The three components of short-term memory are:

  1. Central executive: is the component that allocates information to any of the two memory stores. It involves other higher-order processing, such as cognitive tasks, including problem-solving or mental arithmetic. It can be seen as the memory organiser or boss involved in the most complex processes and organises information into the two memory stores.
  2. The visuospatial sketchpad is the working memory component that stores and processes visual information. The visuospatial sketchpad is central for humans to be able to navigate the world.
  3. Phonological loop: this is the component in charge of both spoken and written semantic material. It has two subdivisions that deal with different information.
    • The phonological store processes speech and stores words. This can be understood as the inner ear, which holds information for a very short amount of time (1-2 seconds)
    • The articulatory control process is the memory system in charge of the articulation and production of speech. It can be understood as the inner voice.

According to Baddeley and Hitch, information comes together at the central executive, creating a situation's whole picture. According to this model, information rehearsed in short-term memory will also be stored in long-term memory.

Furthermore, Baddeley and Hitch explained that multi-tasking is only possible if two different components of working memory are involved.

Suppose a task requires an individual to use the visuospatial sketchpad, for example, remembering the route from the grocery shop back home. Then the individual would also be unable to remember the way from home to school.

However, if multi-tasking involves two memory stores, then it is possible. This way, a person can listen to music and even sing along while figuring out the route back home from the grocery store.

Similarities between the modelsDifferences across the models
Both models acknowledge that information comes in through the senses.According to the MSM, there is a single short-term memory store, while according to the WMM, there are three short-term memory storage systems.
Both models acknowledge that short-term memory has a limiter capacity and duration.The WMM includes the central executive, which reflects how information comes together to build a bigger picture.
Both models acknowledge that the rehearsal of short-term memory leads to long-term memory.The WMM can explain multi-tasking, while the MSM cannot.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Multi-Store Memory Model

This section presents a critical evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-store memory model.

In terms of weaknesses:

  • The fact that the MSM accounts for single memory storage of short and long-term memory allows the criticism of the model for oversimplification. Other models, like the WMM, have provided evidence that these storage systems are not as simple as the MSM suggests.
  • The MSM explains the transfer between STM and LTM using rehearsal. Although rehearsal plays a role in this process, other factors, such as motivation or strategic learning, may influence the transfer of information from STM to LTM and are not explained by the theory.

In what regards the strengths:

  • Despite the limitations, the MSM provided a good starting point for the explanation of the structure and process of the memory system.
  • The MSM was a pioneering model that inspired much research on memory.

Multi-store model of memory - Key takeaways

  • The MSM consists of 3 memory stores: sensory register (SR), short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM).
  • Through attention, information passes from the sensory register to short-term memory.

  • Through maintenance rehearsal, the information stays in short-term memory.

  • Through prolonged rehearsal, information passes from short-term memory to long-term memory.

  • The MSM was a pioneering model that inspired further research in the field of memory but has been criticised for

Frequently Asked Questions about Multi-Store Model of Memory

The multi-store model of memory is also known as the modal model. Atkinson and Shiffrin proposed the model in 1968. It is a structural model that consists of three core components that work together linearly. 

The multi-store model of memory was created by Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968

The multi-store memory model starts with environmental stimuli. The sensory register (SR) is the first store component in the MSM, which includes information from your eyes, your ears, and the other senses.

The three-store components of the multi-store memory model include sensory register (SR), short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM). Each store is a unitary structure. Memory is formed sequentially, and information passes from one store component in the model to the next in a fixed and linear order.

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

Which research supported the short-term memory store encoding memories acoustically?

Which researcher supported Miller's theory?

Which of the following is the definition of encoding?


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