Normal Distribution

The normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that can be presented on a graph. Continuous probability distributions represent continuous random variables, which can take one or more values. Some examples of continuous variables that can be displayed on a normal distribution graph are:

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Normal Distribution


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The normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that can be presented on a graph. Continuous probability distributions represent continuous random variables, which can take one or more values. Some examples of continuous variables that can be displayed on a normal distribution graph are:

  • Height

  • Weight

  • Measurement errors

The normal distribution curve

The bell-shaped curve on the normal distribution graph is symmetrical to the mean, which can be represented by the symbol \(\mu\). The area under the curve is equal to 1. Below is an example of what the normal distribution graph looks like:

Normal Distribution Example Study SmarterNormal distribution graph

The standard deviation tells you how spread out the data are. When this is calculated from the curve above, it can tell you certain things about the data:

  • 68% of the data fall within one standard deviation from the mean, making the probability likely.

  • 95% of the data fall within two standard deviations of the mean, making the probability very likely.

  • Nearly all the data, 99.7% of the data fall within three standard deviations of the mean, making the probability almost certain.

Standard deviation is a measurement of how spread out the data is, and it can be notated with the symbol \(\sigma\).

What is the normal distribution formula?

When looking at normal distribution, the notation can be written as:

\[X \sim N(\mu, \sigma^2)\]

\(\mu\) = the mean \(\sigma^2\) = the population variance

When you are given this notation, it gives you the information needed to create a normal distribution curve.

The distribution of X is modelled as \(X \sim N(23, 0.25^2)\). Sketch the distribution of X.

To do this, you can start by identifying the mean and the population variance:

\[\mu = 23 \qquad \sigma^2 = 0.25\]

You know that on a normal distribution graph, the curve is symmetrical about the mean, which allows you to draw the bell shape:

Normal Distribution Worked Example Study SmarterBell curve

The lengths of wingspans are normally distributed with a mean of 22 cm and a standard deviation of 0.4. Sketch the distribution of X.

To do this, you know that the bell-shaped curve will be symmetrical about the mean; therefore, you can sketch the graph as follows:

Normal Distribution Worked Example Study SmarterWorked example

Normal distribution can help you to find probabilities, and to do this you can use the normal cumulative function on your calculator.

What is the standard normal distribution?

Standard normal distribution is a way of standardising normal distribution. It has a mean, \(\mu\), of 0 and a standard deviation, \(\sigma\), of 1. The notation for the standard normal distribution can be written as:

\[Z \sim N(0,1^2)\]

Normal distribution - Key takeaways

  • Normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that can be presented on a graph.
  • Normal distribution graphs show continuous random variables such as height, weight and measurement errors.
  • You can use your calculator to find probabilities from a normal distribution graph.

Frequently Asked Questions about Normal Distribution

Normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that can be presented on a graph.

To calculate normal distribution you can use the formula, X~N(μ,σ^2), where μ represents the mean and σ^2 represents the population variance.

To find probabilities using normal distributions you can use the normal cumulative function on your calculator.

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