ASA Theorem

We know that triangles can be congruent and also similar to each other. And we always consider all its sides and angles to prove it. But not anymore, here we will learn a triangle criterion by which we can easily prove congruent triangles.

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ASA Theorem


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We know that triangles can be congruent and also similar to each other. And we always consider all its sides and angles to prove it. But not anymore, here we will learn a triangle criterion by which we can easily prove congruent triangles.

In this section, we will take a look at ASA Theorem and understand how to prove congruence and similarity between triangles without all sides and angles of triangles.

ASA Theorem geometry

In geometry, two triangles are congruent when either all the sides of one triangle are equal to all sides of another triangle respectively. Or all the three angles of both the triangles should be equal respectively. But with the ASA criterion, we can show congruent triangles with the help of two angles and one side of each triangle.

ASA theorem, as the name suggests, considers two angles and one side of one triangle equal to another triangle respectively. Here two adjacent angles and the included side between these angles are taken. But one should remember that ASA is not the same as AAS. As ASA has the included side of the two triangles, but in AAS the selected side is the unincluded side of both angles.

ASA Theorem, ASA triangles, StudySmarterASA triangles, StudySmarter Originals

ASA similarity and congruence theorem

We can easily find similar triangles and congruent triangles with the help of the ASA similarity and congruence theorem.

ASA similarity theorem

We know that if two triangles are similar then all the corresponding sides are in proportionality and all the corresponding pairs are congruent from the definition of similar triangles. However, in order to ensure the similarity of two triangles we only need information about two angles with the ASA similarity theorem.

ASA similarity theorem : Two triangles are similar if two corresponding angles of one triangle are congruent to the two corresponding angles of another triangle. Also, the corresponding sides are proportional.

Mathematically we represent as, if A=X, B=Y, then ABC~XYZ. AndABXY=BCYZ=ACXZ.

ASA Theorem, ASA similarity triangles, StudySmarterASA Similarity triangles, StudySmarter Originals

Generally ASA similarity is more well known as the AA similarity theorem, as there is nothing further to check because of only one ratio of sides. Also when two angle measures are given, we can easily find the third angle as the total angle measure isid="2696588" role="math" 180°. So we can easily check the equality of corresponding angles of two triangles and determine the similarity of both triangles.

ASA congruence theorem

ASA congruence theorem stands for Angle-Side-Angle and gives the congruent relation between two triangles.

ASA congruence theorem: Two triangles are congruent if two adjacent angles and the included side on one triangle are congruent to the two angles and included side of another triangle.

Mathematically we say that, ifBM, BCMN, CN, then id="2696597" role="math" ABCLMN.

As the angles and sides are congruent they will also be equal. SoB=M, BC=MN, C=N,thenABCLMN.

ASA Theorem, ASA congruence triangles, StudySmarterASA congruence triangles, StudySmarter Originals

ASA theorem proof

Now let us take a look at ASA theorem proof for similarity and congruence.

ASA similarity theorem proof

For two triangles ABC and XYZ, it is given from the statement of ASA similarity theorem that A=X, B=Y.


ASA Theorem, ASA triangles, StudySmarterASA triangle with constructed line , StudySmarter Originals

Now as two angles A and B are already given in ABC, we can easily find C by taking 180°-(A+B).And the same will be the case for the triangleXYZ.

We will construct a line PQ in triangle XYZ such that XP=AB and XQ=AC. Also it is given that A=X. Then by using SAS congruence theorem we get that ABC~XPQ.

Since ABC~XPQ then the corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent.

B=P (1)

Also, it is given that

B=Y (2)

From equation (1) and equation (2) P=Y.

Since P and Y forms corresponding angles and XY works as transversal PQYZ.

Using Basic Proportionality Theorem in XYZ,


Basic Proportionality theorem states that if a line is parallel to one side of a triangle and it intersects the other two sides at two different points then those sides are in proportion.

From the construction of PQ we replace XP=ABand XQ=AC in the above equation.


Similarly, ABXY=BCYZ


Hence ABC~XYZ.

ASA congruence theorem proof

We are given from the statement of ASA congruence theorem that B=M, C=N, and BC=MN.

ASA Theorem, ASA congruence triangles, StudySmarterASA congruent triangles, StudySmarter Originals

To prove: ABCLMN

To prove the above statement we will consider different cases.

Case 1: Assume that AB=LM.

ASA Theorem, ASA congruence triangles, StudySmarterASA congruent triangles with AB and LM equal, StudySmarter Originals

In ABC and LMN, AB=LM from our assumption. And it is given that B=M and BC=MN. So by SAS congruence theorem ABCLMN.

Case 2: Suppose AB>LM.

Then we construct point X on AB such that id="2696624" role="math" XB=LM.

ASA Theorem, ASA congruence triangles, StudySmarterASA congruent triangle with constructed point X, StudySmarter Originals

We have XB=LM, B=M and BC=MN. Using SAS congruence theorem XBCLMN.

Now it is given that ACB=LNM (1)

And from the above congruence,id="2696626" role="math" XBCLMN, we get that id="2696647" role="math" XCB=LNM (2)

So from equations (1) and (2), we get


But from our assumption of AB>LM, and also by looking at the figure this is not possible. So ACB=XCB can only occur when both the points A and X coincides and AC=XC.

So we are again left with the fact that ABC and XCB are equal. Hence we can consider only one triangle ABCsuch that AB=LM. So this is the same as case 1, and from that we get that ABCLMN.

Case 3: Suppose AB<LM.

Then construct a point Y on LM such that AB=YM and we repeat the same argument as in case 2.

ASA Theorem, ASA congruence triangles, StudySmarterASA congruent triangles with constructed point Y, StudySmarter Originals

Hence we get that ABCLMN.

ASA Theorem example

Let us see some examples related to ASA theorems.

Calculate BD and CE in the given figure, if ACBD, AE=3 cm, AC=6 cm, BE=4 cm, DE=8 cm.


In ACE and BDE, as ACBD then A=B because they are alternate interior angles. Also AEC=BED forms vertically opposite angles.

Then by ASA similarity theorem ACE~BDE.

We also get from the ASA similarity theorem that CEDE=AEBE=ACBD.

Then by substituting all the given values in the above equation,


BD=43×6 =8 cm

And id="2696649" role="math" CE=34×8 =6 cm

Hence BD=8 cm, CE=6 cm.

Calculate the value of x when D=55°, F=65°, B=(2x+30)°.


From the figure we can see that A=D, AC=DF, C=F. Then by ASA congruence theorem we get that ABCDEF.


Now substituting all the given values we get,


ASA Theorem - Key takeaways

  • ASA congruence theorem: Two triangles are congruent if two adjacent angles and the included side on one triangle are congruent to the two angles and included side of another triangle.
  • ASA similarity theorem: Two triangles are similar if two corresponding angles of one triangle are congruent to the two corresponding angles of another triangle. Also, the corresponding sides are proportional.
  • ASA similarity is mostly known as the AA similarity theorem.
  • ASA theorem is not the same as the AAS theorem.

Frequently Asked Questions about ASA Theorem

Two triangles are congruent if two adjacent angles and the included side on one triangle are congruent to the two angles and included side of another triangle.

ASA theorem is used to find congruence between two triangles if two angles and included side are given.

If two angles and the included side are given and they are equal to the corresponding angles and side, then that triangles are ASA.

ASA theorem is proved with the help of the SAS theorem.

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

If two corresponding pairs of angles of two triangles are given and both are congruent, the third pair of angles can be easily found.

Is the given figure congruent using ASA congruence theorem?(flashcards) en-mathematics-pure maths-geometry-asa triangle common side


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