
[I]is futile to try to appeal to the masses of people on an intellectual or logical basis, "1

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[I]is futile to try to appeal to the masses of people on an intellectual or logical basis, "1

argued William Etsy. Etsy worked for a successful American advertising agency, J. Walter Thomspon, in the 1920s. At that time, advertisers realized that luring consumers works better by appealing to them on an emotional, irrational level. Advertising was an integral part of consumerism—a byproduct of capitalism that encourages buying goods and links consumption to well-being.

Consumerism, Fig. 1 - Lucky Strike cigarette ad, 1931, StudySmarter.

Fig. 1 - Lucky Strike cigarette ad, 1931.

Consumerism: Definition and History

Consumerism is a phenomenon that arose during the Second Industrial Revolution in the late 19th-early 20th century in capitalist economies and is prevalent today. This phenomenon presupposes that consumption (purchasing goods) is essential to economic prosperity and one's well-being.

  • The Industrial Revolution was when mechanized production at factories replaced an economic system that depended on artisanal crafts and agriculture. The Industrial Revolution was accompanied by urbanization, as people moved to cities to work at factories, established the working and middle classes, and infrastructural development such as sanitation and railroads. The working class manufactured the products, and the middle class had sufficient income to buy them. This period comprises two waves: the First Industrial Revolution (1760-1840) and the Second Industrial Revolution (1870-1914).

Consumerism is part of an economic cycle in a capitalist or a mixed economy:

  • Businesses manufacture products;
  • Advertising attracts the buyer to the product;
  • Buyers work and make sufficient income to purchase goods;
  • Buyers' spending allows businesses to produce more products.

Yet consumers are not simply buyers. After all, people purchased goods throughout recorded history.

Did you know?

The oldest recorded customer complaint is from Ur (present-day Iraq), 1750 BCE. This clay tablet claims that the merchant named Ea-Nasir supplied the customer, Nanni, with the wrong copper grade.

The term "consumer" is derived from the word "consume," which describes eating, drinking, and entirely using something. There also is a negative connotation correlated with gluttony. Some historians point to the fact that this negative meaning points to using one's income on wants rather than saving in a system that promotes debt and spending.

Next, a well-made product should last for years. Yet how would companies continue making money in overproduction if consumers had already purchased their products? In the 1920s, businesses introduced planned obsolescence. Some define this term as deliberately manufacturing products that are not durable. Others suggest that companies simply manufacture better models that attract the consumer with their innovation and dissatisfaction with an older variant.

In the 1920s, Ford and General Motors (GM) competed for the American market. Ford emphasized the Model T vehicle as one of simplicity and affordability. General Motors rivaled Ford by encouraging consumers to buy newer GM models that were superior to their older counterparts.

By the late 20th century, consumers got used to having a warranty that only lasted a year or two and expecting the product to break after that date. Alternatively, the market introduces a newer model, as with smartphones today.

Consumerism, Fig. 2 - Ford Model T car, souvenir booklet, 1909, StudySmarter.

Fig. 2 - Ford Model T car, souvenir booklet, 1909.

Culture: Consumerism

Consumer culture centered around the desirability of buying first arose in the 19th and developed in the early 20th century. Using store merchandising, advertising, and even film with product placement, popular culture promoted endless consumption linking goods with material and psychological well-being.

This system enabled advertisers to hold significant financial and political power. Consumer culture combined purchasing power with moral standing and, sometimes, even patriotism—the "American dream."

Consumer Advertising

Consumer advertising promotes products using different forms of mass media—from the original print format in the late 19th century to digital counterparts in the 21st. Advertising agencies that design the appropriate promotional strategies for businesses first arose in the latter part of the 19th century.

One crucial example is J. Walter Thompson. In the 20th century, this agency was responsible for campaigns for iconic American brands like Oscar Mayer and Toys "R" Us.

Did you know?

One of the early advertising precedents was the 19th-century traveling salesman who went door-to-door to sell products. Not all products were good. Some were scams generating the term "snake-oil salesman," who sold questionable medicinal items.

Consumerism, Fig. 3 - Clark Stanley's Snake Oil Liniment, ca. 1905, StudySmarter.

Fig. 3 - Clark Stanley's Snake Oil Liniment, ca. 1905.

While advertising styles have changed over time, certain aspects endure, including:

  • the link between purchasing power, social status, and well-being.
  • youthfulness and energy;
  • increased leisure time;
  • technological advancement.

Advertisers learned early on that appeals to emotion worked better than logic.

For example, a 1925 Psychology in Advertising suggested using strong images to "'short-circuit'" the consumer's mind" and reach one's basic emotions.2

Female Consumers

Even though women's roles changed throughout the 20th century, women remained the main shopper in the family.

  • In the 19th century, lower-class women worked in agriculture or in factories. However, Victorian middle-class women stayed home, organizing the household and taking care of children. Their status changed during World War I when female labor was needed for the war effort. After the war, some women returned home, while others remained in the public sphere. During the Second World War, women's labor was needed once again. After 1945, some women returned home, as evident in the American 1950s ideal of domesticity. Yet many women continued working. In the following decades, their numbers increased, as did their social representation and workplace rights.

As a result, advertisements often targeted female consumers and reflected their changing roles. Until the middle of the 20th century, advertisers promoted domestic products to women, such as cleaning supplies and appliances. As women spent less time at home after 1945 and more time in the workplace, advertisers lost themselves. Their solution was to create a beauty, skincare, and weight-loss market. Some feminist authors, such as Naomi Wolf, argue that this market used psychological tricks to manipulate women into thinking that they are never good enough to keep them buying:

Consumer culture is best supported by markets made up of sexual clones, men who want objects and women who want to be objects, and the object desired ever-changing, disposable, and dictated by the market.”3

Consumerism, Fig. 4 - Camay skincare ad, 1953, StudySmarter.

Fig. 4 - Camay skincare ad, 1953.

Depictions of Consumers in Advertising

In the 20th century, product advertisers depicted consumers in print, radio, and television advertising in different ways, including:

  • attaining social status (e.g., middle class) by buying a particular product;
  • irrational, ignorant consumers that need the product to solve their problems;
  • savvy consumers that already know how a particular brand is superior.

Problem? Solution!

An essential aspect of advertising is to generate the feeling of desire in the consumer for a product regardless of its necessity. One way to do so is to create a problem where there was none before and then offer the product as a solution.

For example, the skincare and cosmetics industry continually markets new products as revolutionary solutions to aging, having first established the natural aging process as a problem.

Consumerism: Pros and Cons

In a capitalist economy, consumerism has both benefits and drawbacks.


  • providing necessary products to the consumer;
  • technological advancement and innovation;
  • the purchasing power of the consumer benefits the economy;


  • consumerism pushes some people to go into debt rather than save;
  • the unhealthy link between unnecessary material possessions and psychological well-being;
  • planned obsolescence and flimsy products.

American Consumerism

The U.S. has been one of the driving forces behind consumerism. On the one hand, Americans produced many innovative, accessible products: from cars in the early 20th century to smartphones in the early 21st. On the other hand, this consumerist ideology has negatively impacted the U.S. and the world.

American Consumerism & Capitalism

Even though consumerism benefits the economy, it also depends on capitalism's boom-and-bust cycle. The latter means that economies expand and contract repeatedly.

For example, after the 1929 Great Depression, many people lost their jobs and could not buy goods like they used to. Their loss of purchasing power negatively impacted the already suffering economy.

Consumerism, Fig. 5- A queue of people in Louisville, KY, waits for aid during the 1937 Ohio River flood next to a billboard that reads "World's Highest Standard of Living." Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, StudySmarter.

Fig. 5 - A queue of people in Louisville, KY, waits for aid during the 1937 Ohio River flood next to a billboard that reads "World's Highest Standard of Living." Photo by Margaret Bourke-White.

Moral Obligations of the American Consumer

Historically, American consumerism displayed a connection to morality. In the early 20th century, advertisers marketed many products as the correct choice for one's family. In contrast, refusing to buy such products was seen as the equivalent of being morally wrong.

For example, a 1920s ad for Soap & Water read, "What do the neighbors think of her children?" implying harsh social judgment because the family used the wrong soap brand.4

Buying products was, therefore, linked to one's moral standing.

At one point, the idea of a new house with all new appliances was seen as the peak of American success and a moral responsibility assigned to every American.

Consumerism, Fig. 5 - Kuppenheimer advetisement, 1921, StudySmarter.

Fig. 6 - Kuppenheimer advetisement, 1921.

Advertisers portrayed buying American-made goods, even war bonds, as a citizen's patriotic duty during wars.

Consumerism, Fig. 7 - “My daddy bought me a government bond of the Third Liberty Loan--Did yours?”, 1917, StudySmarter.

Fig. 7 - “My daddy bought me a government bond of the Third Liberty Loan--Did yours?”, 1917.

The Emergence of Paying in Installments

In the 1920s, buying on credit became a common way to pay for almost any good or service. This new drive to purchase the latest and best products encouraged people to make payments on purchases to obtain new items quickly. Considering large purchases in payments instead of a hefty one-time fee encouraged larger purchases in parts with interest. Even small-ticket items like irons were part of this scheme. Paying for items in installments gradually encouraged some consumers to amass debt and to live beyond their means.

Ethical Consumerism

Ethical consumerism focuses on buying responsibly based on one's values. Sometimes, this strategy involves activism on "dollar voting"—supporting or excluding certain companies with one's purchases. This ideology centers on the power of money and the ability to impact political changes or events through purchasing.

For example, in the 21st century, many people buy ethically manufactured products that respect workers' rights and the environment.

Consumerism - Key Takeaways

  • The Industrial Revolution within capitalist societies led to overproduction and increased purchasing power of the middle class.
  • Consumerism arose in the late 19th century as a phenomenon linking buying products with economic and psychological well-being and sometimes morality and patriotism.
  • Advertising plays a significant role in encouraging consumerism.


  1. Marchand, Roland. Advertising the American Dream: Making Way for Modernity 1920-1940, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1985, 69.
  2. Ibid, p. 236.
  3. Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women, New York: HarperPerennial, 1990, 2002, p. 144.
  4. Marchand, p. 246.

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