Labor Systems in Africa

During the post-classical era, free peasant labor was the predominant form of labor in Africa, as it had been for centuries. But during the post-classical era, something new was occurring--global trade was expanding at a rapid rate. This growth of trade played a critical role in the growth of cities and kingdoms across Africa, and with the growth of trade, labor systems became more diversified.

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Labor Systems in Africa


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During the post-classical era, free peasant labor was the predominant form of labor in Africa, as it had been for centuries. But during the post-classical era, something new was occurring--global trade was expanding at a rapid rate. This growth of trade played a critical role in the growth of cities and kingdoms across Africa, and with the growth of trade, labor systems became more diversified.

Labor Systems in the Post-Classical Era

In the post-classical era, settled agriculture and the growth of trade led to more diverse labor systems across the world. While free peasant labor and nomadic pastoralism continued to exist, there were also new organizations of labor, including:

  • Craft production: skilled artisans who crafted in workshops

  • Guild organization: groups of skilled artisans who came together to protect their craft

  • Coerced labor: forced labor (think serfdom and slavery)

  • Government labor: labor owed as payment to the state/ruler

  • Military obligation: military service owed to the state/ruler

Labor Systems in North Africa

In North Africa, the arid conditions of the Sahara Desert made settled agriculture impossible. As such, nomadic pastoralism, in which herders followed their livestock from pasture to pasture, dominated. However, the Berbers also played a critical role as merchants. Their close proximity to the Islamic world, as well as their ability to travel across the Sahara Desert with camels, made them the perfect middlemen along the Trans-Saharan Trade routes. Berbers connected sub-Saharan Africa to the Islamic world.


indigenous peoples of Northern Africa

Labor Systems in Africa Sahara Desert StudySmarterFig. 1 - the Sahara Desert

Labor Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa

It is important to understand that much of Africa was decentralized in the post-classical era. As such, blanket generalizations can be dangerous. So, let’s look at the broad differences in the labor systems of small village societies versus the labor systems of African kingdoms.

As early as 1500 BCE, the Bantu people of West Africa began a gradual migration across the continent into Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa. As the population spread across Africa, they brought agricultural techniques and metalworking skills with them. As such, the Bantu Migration provided foundations for labor systems across Africa.

Labor Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Small Village Societies

Prior to the creation of established African kingdoms, many Africans lived in small village societies made up of one clan or several clans who banded together. In these villages, free peasant labor, in the form of agriculture and the cultivation of livestock, were the foundations of the labor system. For example, the Nama people in modern-day Namibia and Botswana subsisted as cattle farmers.

Free peasant labor in African villages was different than free peasant labor in Europe. In Europe, free peasant labor referred to farmers who owned small plots of land. But, in African villages, private property often did not exist. Therefore, free peasant labor referred to farmers who worked on communal land.

Different members of the clan had different responsibilities. Male heads of clans were responsible for governing the village, organizing the work of others, allocating portions of the communal land to members, and distributing harvests to members. While both men and women were responsible for planting and harvesting the land, much of the division of labor was based on sex. For example, men were responsible for heavy labor such as clearing land, whereas women were responsible for tending to the children and domestic chores. As for children, they fell into “age grades” which designated appropriate labor for their age and capabilities.

Labor Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Kingdoms

In Sub-Saharan Africa, strong kingdoms began to form around 1000 CE. Taking control of the trade networks once ruled by the Berbers, these kingdoms were able to accumulate mass wealth. In these kingdoms, the labor systems became more diversified than in smaller village societies. Of course, free peasant labor remained, but mining and craft production also became important with the growth of trade. Through the Trans-Saharan trade route, kingdoms could trade their gold and ivory for salt, horses, and manufactured goods. Merchants performed a critical role in this.

Critical to the growth and longevity of these kingdoms was their military power. As such, military obligations were a part of the labor system.

Labor Systems in Africa Map of Kingdoms StudySmarter Fig, 2 - map of African Kingdoms

Coercive Labor Systems in West Africa

Up until this point, we have not discussed coerced labor, but slavery existed in many forms within Africa. For example, within villages and kingdoms, debt bondage was a common form of slavery. Additionally, villages and kingdoms often enslaved criminals and prisoners of war from neighboring societies.

debt bondage

a form of slavery in which debtors pay off their debts through slave labor.

Slavery in Africa vs Chattel Slavery

The forms of slavery practiced within Africa were very different than the chattel slavery that dominated in the Americas. For one, slavery was not necessarily a permanent position in Africa. For example, if those in debt bondage managed to pay off their debts through labor, they would receive freedom. In the Americas, slavery was a lifelong sentence.

While debts--and therefore debt bondage--could be inherited, for the most part, slavery was not heritable in Africa. But in the Americas, the partus sequitur ventrem legal code gained widespread popularity. It meant that any children of enslaved women would become slaves themselves. As such, slavery was heritable.

Another major difference was that, in chattel slavery, slaves were considered property and completely dehumanized. (The term chattel taken alone means personal property.) Slaves had no rights and there were few, if any, restrictions regarding their treatment.

But, as the post-classical era was coming to a close, the demand for African slaves outside of Africa increased drastically. Europeans found the indigenous peoples of the Americas unsuitable for slavery and, instead, looked to Africa for slave labor. As such, there was a higher demand for slaves than ever before. To meet this demand, African kingdoms began to raid neighboring villages for slaves to trade with Europeans. It was the beginning of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.

Labor Systems in Africa Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Map StudySmarterFig. 3 - map of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

Labor Systems in Africa: 1450 to 1750

Although free peasant labor remained the dominant form of labor in Africa during the early modern period, the effects of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade were very apparent in the growth of towns along the African coast. In these cities, the slave trade was the driving economic force. The effects of the slave trade, however, were apparent further inland as well. African societies were losing their young working adults to the slave trade, and this left a hole in African labor systems that stifled their development and left them susceptible to European imperialist ambitions.

Labor Systems in Africa - Key takeaways

  • In post-classical Africa, free peasant agricultural labor was the predominant form of labor across the continent.
  • Nomadic pastoralism was more common in Northern Africa where the Sahara Desert's arid conditions made agriculture impossible.
  • In village societies made up of one or several clans, different members of the clan had different responsibilities. A division of labor existed between sexes, with men doing heavy agricultural labor while women performed domestic duties and tended to the children.
  • Kingdoms developed in Africa as a result of wealth from trade. Labor was more diversified and there was a greater emphasis on mining and craft production.
  • Coercive labor existed in Africa before the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, but the expansion of the slave trade made African slave traders' resort to raiding neighboring societies.


  1. Fig. 2 - Map of African Kingdoms (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:African-civilizations-map-pre-colonial.svg) by Jeff Israel (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:ZyMOS) licensed by CC BY SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en)
  2. Fig. 3 - Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Map (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Triangle_trade2.png) by SimonP (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:SimonP) licensed by CC BY SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en)

Frequently Asked Questions about Labor Systems in Africa

From 145o to 1750, labor systems became more diversified with the expansion of global trade.

In Africa, slaves often performed agricultural labor and provided military service. 

In the colonial Americas, Europeans instituted slave labor, first with indigenous peoples, and then with imported slaves from Africa. 

Labor systems refer to the organization of labor in a given society. 

African societies had slave labor far before contact with Europeans. 

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

Which labor system was dominant in North Africa?

Which labor system was dominant across sub-Saharan Africa?

In African villages, there was a division of labor between sexes. 


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