Baby Boom

While you might snicker upon seeing the phrase "OK Boomer" on the internet, you may not realize the historical significance of the phrase "Baby Boom". Keep reading to learn about the phenomenon seen in the United States after the end of World War II.  

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Baby Boom


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While you might snicker upon seeing the phrase "OK Boomer" on the internet, you may not realize the historical significance of the phrase "Baby Boom". Keep reading to learn about the phenomenon seen in the United States after the end of World War II.

Baby Boom Stereograph View of Babies StudySmarterFig. 1 - Stereograph view of babies.

Baby Boom Definition

The phrase baby boom refers to the extreme increase in babies born following World War II.

Baby Boom

A step rise in birth rates, especially after World War II.

There are conflicting reports as to when the phrase "baby boom" was first used in writing. Some say it was in a 1960s newspaper article written by Leslie J. Nason, while others credit the Oxford English Dictionary for using it in the 1970s.

Baby Boom Years

Babies born between 1946 and 1964 are known as baby boomers, according to the United States Census Bureau. Others have attempted to break this group down into two smaller groups: the leading-edge baby boomers who were born anytime between 1946 and 1955, and the trailing-edge baby boomers who were born between 1956 and 1964.

Did you know? The baby boom generation made up 40% of the US population in 1964.

Baby Boom Generation

The children born during the baby boom are typically known as the "baby boom generation". Occasionally, they are simply known as "boomers". They follow the generation of people known as the "silent generation" and precede the group nicknamed "Generation X".

Most of the parents of individuals born in the baby boom were either part of the Greatest Generation (born 1928-1945) or the Silent Generation (born 1901-1927).

Baby Boom Graph

The red line in the graph below demonstrates the number of births that occurred between 1946 and 1964, or during the American Baby Boom.

Baby Boom US Birth Rates StudySmarterFig. 2 - US birth rates

Baby Boom Causes

Before World War II, the American birthrate was declining. Urbanization, or the movement of people towards cities and away from rural areas, was one of the issues. As families relocated to cities, a large family typical of rural areas became regarded as a poor economic decision. Another cause was the Great Depression. The Great Depression and World War II subjected Americans to uncertainty and hardships of varying degrees.

However, after World War II ended, the American birthrate began to rise quickly. Why did this happen?

  1. Soldiers were returning home to their wives and girlfriends

  2. Soldiers were promised the GI Bill, which provided some financial security

  3. Former soldiers had access to good jobs

  4. Former soldiers had access to good housing

During the War, many soldiers were in a hurry to get married and have babies. The majority of American soldiers were stationed overseas during the war, and the urgency of having to ship out to fight prompted many marriages.

Baby Boom Returning Soldiers Parade StudySmarterFig. 3 - Returning soldiers parade

However, after the War, there was a large spike in the number of marriages, with millions of people getting married in 1946 alone. Nine months after the official end of the Second World War, birthrates increased rapidly.

Birthrates were not only high directly after the War, but they remained high for a long time after that. The late 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s made up an era of time that had an extreme focus on the family and general domesticity. This coincided with a time of high economic prosperity. This is demonstrated by the fact that adults at the time had access to increasingly reliable contraception, and yet the birth rate increased, indicating that the emergence of families was a conscious decision by many Americans.

Baby Boom Significance

The Baby Boom was significant because it was both a sign of a healthy economy and a cause of said healthy economy. The needs of the large Baby Boom generation stimulated the economy as they aged. For example, as the children that resulted from the baby boom became school-aged, many communities had to construct new schools. As teenagers, they bought goods like clothing and records.

Baby Boom Family Watching Television in the 1950s StudySmarterFig. 4 - Family watching television in the 1950s

The Baby Boom generation had social significance as well. These were people who were young adults in the 1960s and 1970s, and they led social change by participating in the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War.

Today, the Baby Boom generation still makes up a large part of the American population. Society is currently grappling with how the aging population will affect society.

Aging Baby Boomers

By 2030, all baby boomers will be 65 years old or older. This is predicted to complicate life in the United States, as there is not currently adequate public policy to care for the aging population.

There are a few major problems brought on by the aging baby boomer population:

  1. The current insurance system is not prepared for the amount of long-term care that may be needed for these aging adults.
  2. Older adults need to be encouraged to take advantage of advances in both physical and mental health in order to stay healthy for as long as possible.
  3. Organization and availability of community resources may act as a barrier for aging adults.

There are also concerns around the system of Social Security and whether or not it will be able to support aging baby boomers.

The Baby Boom Summary

The extreme increase in babies born following World War II is referred to as the baby boom. The United States Census Bureau states that baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964.

The children born during the baby boom are typically known as the "baby boom generation". Sometimes, they are simply known as "boomers".

The Baby Boom was caused by

  1. Soldiers returning home to their wives and girlfriends

  2. Soldiers being given the GI Bill, which provided some financial security

  3. Increased access to stable jobs and good housing

Prior to the Baby Boom, birthrates were in decline due to urbanization and the economic uncertainty and hardship caused by the Great Depression and the Second World War. Following the end of the War, returning soldiers were eager to start families and enjoy the financial security of post-War benefits such as the GI Bill.

The late 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s made up an era of time that had an extreme focus on the family and general domesticity.

The Baby Boom had both economic and social significance. As baby boomers began to age, their needs stimulated the economy. They were often on the forefront of many of the social changes facing the United States in the 1960s and 1970s as they participated in the Civil Rights movement and fought against the Vietnam War.

Today, the Baby Boom generation still makes up a large part of the American population.

The Baby Boom - Key takeaways

  • The phrase baby boom refers to the extreme increase in babies born following World War II, specifically within the period of time between 1946 and 1964.
  • The Baby Boom is thought to be caused by soldiers returning home to their wives and girlfriends, looking to create or add to their families with the support of the GI Bill.
  • Soldiers returning from war had increased access to jobs and housing.
  • The late 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s made up an era of time that had an extreme focus on the family and general domesticity.
  • The Baby Boom had both economic and social significance

Frequently Asked Questions about Baby Boom

The phrase baby boom refers to the extreme increase in babies born following World War II. 

The children born during the baby boom are typically known as the "baby boom generation". Sometimes they are simply known as "boomers".

The United States Census Bureau states that baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964.

Reasons the baby boom occurred include

  1. Soldiers were returning home to their wives and girlfriends

  2. Soldiers were promised the GI Bill, which provided some financial security

  3. Former soldiers had access to good jobs 

  4. Former soldiers had access to good housing 

There are conflicting reports as to when the phrase "baby boom" was first used in writing. Some say it was in a 1960s newspaper article written by Leslie J. Nason, while others credit the Oxford English Dictionary for using it in the 1970s.

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

True or false: The phrase baby boom refers to the extreme increase in babies born following World War II. 

The United States Census Bureau states that baby boomers were born between ___ and ___.

Which of the following is true about the US birth rate before 1946? 


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