Women's Temperance Movement

How did a moral argument snowball into national legislation? The Women’s Temperance Movement evolved from a social movement to legislation with the implementation of national Prohibition in 1919. The growth from a local organization into a worldwide union exemplified how women can come together and influence society, which had previously been solely a stage for men.

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Women's Temperance Movement


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How did a moral argument snowball into national legislation? The Women’s Temperance Movement evolved from a social movement to legislation with the implementation of national Prohibition in 1919. The growth from a local organization into a worldwide union exemplified how women can come together and influence society, which had previously been solely a stage for men.

Women's Christian Temperance Movement: DefinitionThe United States saw the growth of the temperance movement beginning in the early 1800s. Below is a timeline summarizing some important dates.
1800Americans began associating alcohol consumption and morality.
The 1820sOriginal temperance groups were founded.
1822The American Christian Temperance was founded.
1835Susan B. Anthony led the first Women's Temperance Convention.
1869The Prohibition Party was founded.
1874The Women's Christian Temperance Union was founded.
1919The 18th amendment authorized prohibition.
1933Prohibition was repealed.

The Women's Christian Temperance Movement was a social movement led by women to achieve a reduction or a complete ban on the legal sale of alcoholic beverages through federal legislation. Members of the Women’s Temperance Movement believe that alcohol consumption is a common factor in societal ills. The belief that a reduction in alcohol consumption would result in better living conditions for women and children, especially, gained strong support. The Women’s Temperance Movement combined a moral and political argument, which polarized the issue further. The idea that crime and violence were largely due to alcohol consumption negates other contributing societal factors.

Women's Temperance Movement

A social movement with the goal of reducing or banning the sale and production of alcohol.

What was the Women’s Temperance Movement in the United States?

The Women's Temperance Movement was a social effort to either reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption on the basis of alcohol being a motivating factor in societal problems prevalent at the time. The initiative was born in the 19th century, but impacted legislation until the 20th century.

  • At the time alcohol was seen as a direct contributor to the main societal ills of the time;
    • domestic abuse
    • child abuse
    • other forms of maltreatment.
  • The Women’s Temperance Movement was the first national and later worldwide organization formed by women to address issues seen as key for women.

The movement became political as well as moral and was a key issue presented in elections both locally and nationally. The Women’s Temperance movement in the United States gained momentum in the 1800s and culminated in alcohol prohibition in 1919. The Women’s Temperance movement formed the Women’s Christian Temperance Union, a nationwide organization of women striving for societal change.

Women's Temperance Movement, temperance songs, studysmarterFig. 1: Temperance Songs used by the WCTU.

Women's Christian Temperance Movement: Prohibition

  • Prohibition became law through a constitutional amendment in 1919. Prohibition is the ban on the sale and manufacturing of intoxicating liquors, i.e., alcohol.

Nationwide Prohibition was the overall legislative goal of the Women’s Temperance Movement in their efforts to curb societal ills they believed to be caused by alcohol. The Prohibition Party was a political party that was uncommon for the time, including women in prominent roles, deferring to their experience in the preexisting temperance movement.

The Women’s Temperance Movement was led by women, in both conventional protesting accompanied by political reform as well as unconventional forms of protesting. The Women’s Temperance Movement was the first worldwide movement led by women for the betterment of domestic conditions.


The federal ban on the sale, production, and transportation of alcohol

Leaders in the Women’s Temperance Movement

The table below summarizes some leaders of the Women's Temperance Movement and their contributions.

Mary Aston Rice Livermore
  • A suffragist who saw women’s right to vote as paramount to advancing social change like alcohol use as well as other societal issues.
Annie Turner Wittenmyer
  • Worked in field hospitals during the Civil War and was later highly influential in the Women’s Temperance Movement through organizing.
  • Joined an unorganized branch of the temperance movement, Women’s Crusade, in 1873.
  • In 1874, she attended the convention in Cleveland, Ohio where the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WTCU) was officially formed.
  • Upon formation at the convention, Annie Turner Wittenmyer was elected the union’s first president.
Mary Hannah Hanchett Hunt
  • Entered the temperance movement from a physiological view.
  • Saw the temperance movement as not only moral, but as a health issue.
  • Used existing literature on the physical negative effects of alcohol.
  • Spearheaded the effort to teach the negative effects of alcohol in public schools, also referred to as temperance education
Frances Willard
  • after graduating from college in 1859 Willard became involved with a group of women in the temperance movement in Chicago, and then she became president of the organization.
  • In 1874 at the convention in Cleveland, Ohio, Willard was chosen as the corresponding secretary of the National Women’s Temperance Union.
  • She was a prolific speaker, and in 1883 she spoke in every state in the union.
  • She believed in combining women’s suffrage with the temperance movement, but her counterparts did not.
  • She had a fleeting union with the Prohibition Party, but the reluctance to include women's suffrage ended their partnership.

Frances Willard. Womens' Temperance Movement. StudySmarter. Fig. 2: Frances Willard.

Unconventional Methods of Protest during the Women’s Temperance Movement

Carry Nation was a part of the Women’s Temperance Movement, operating on the fringe of the conventional movement. Her form of protest consisted of wielding a hatchet and destroying barrooms in her resident state of Kansas.

In 1890, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of legislation allowing for the importing of alcohol in its "original packaging." Nation’s response to the now flourishing saloons in the state was to storm the establishments and destroy as much as possible. She believed that the illegality of the saloons in Kansas (as per state law), allowed private citizens to enter and uphold the law.

In her view, upholding the law was destroying illegal establishments and stock. Her escapades saw her enter the governor's office in Topeka to press her cause.

Women's Temperance Movement, Carry Nation, StudySmarterFig. 3: Carry Nation with a hatchet and Bible.

Women's Temperance Movement: 1920s

During and after WWI, women in the United States took on new roles which were at odds with the pro-family values undertones of the Women's Temperance Movement. "The New Woman" lived by the motto of being able to do anything a man could do. The most well-known form is the 1920s Flapper.


A woman of the 1920s who pushed stereotypes and engaged in typically men's activities.

Flappers were counterculture women of the Roaring Twenties, who challenged feminine stereotypes of the era, dabbling in activities that previously were restricted to men, like smoking and drinking. They usually wore short hair, and short hemlines, and were more open about sexuality, social clubs, and urban life.

flapper fanny. womens temperance movement. studysmarter. Fig. 4: The Flapper Fanny Cartoon.

The Women’s Christian Temperance Union

The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was formed in 1874 with the main principle of advancing temperance as legislative action. In the beginning, while led by union president Annie Turner Wittenmyer, the temperance movement was focused solely, on the inclusion of women’s suffrage.

In 1879, Wittenmyer was replaced by Frances Willard, who believed suffrage was a key part of achieving prohibition and advancing women’s position in society. Willard broadened the scope of the WCTU to include organizing for women’s suffrage, along with the original goal. In 1883, the World WCTU was formed and in 1891 Willard was elected president. Willard also expanded the platform of the WCTU into working conditions and prison reform. The WCTU made powerful enemies in the alcohol industry that would later detract from the suffrage movement. After Willard died in 1898, the WCTU stepped away from platforms besides prohibition.

Women's Suffrage and the Temperance Movement

The temperance movement progressed alongside women’s suffrage. The organization used in the temperance movement evolved into the political and social efforts to attain women's right to vote. The temperance movement was a starting point for women to organize themselves beyond their local communities.

The temperance movement was the first national organization women were included, and this provided a plan to follow to achieve other social progress. Temperance and women’s suffrage were both platforms of social change. Not all temperance movement participators were also interested in supporting women’s suffrage. The inclusion of women’s suffrage in the platform of the WCTU was not seen as wholly beneficial for either cause. The temperance movement made staunch enemies of the alcohol industry and with suffrage included in their platform, the alcohol industry also opposed women’s suffrage.

Despite the efforts of the passionate women behind the Women's Temperance movement, federal prohibition was repealed with the 21st amendment. Prohibition was really hard to enforce. There was an increased demand for more alcohol. There were also issues with the government. Not all prohibition laws were the same, some enforcement officers were dishonest, and the government struggled to fund enforcement.

Over time, historians have developed different views on Prohibition. Before the 1960s, historians used to view supporters of prohibition as those who tried to change the morals of the country and failed. Over time, the opinion of those behind the temperance movement has shifted. Historians became more sympathetic. Others saw the temperance movement as an extension of progressivism.

How was the temperance movement an extension of progressivism? The temperance movement utilized social protest to gain support. It reflected the desires of regular workers and some immigrant groups. Alcohol was suddenly a major social issue, and it pushes feminist scholarship forward.

Women's Temperance Movement - Key takeaways

  • The goal of the Women's Temperance Movement was to enact a nationwide prohibition of alcohol.

  • Alcohol was viewed as a recurring factor in domestic violence, child abuse, divorce, and financial struggles.

  • The Women's Temperance Movement was the first international organization formed by women for women.

  • Religion was a large part of the movement, with the largest temperance organization being the Women's Christian Temperance Union.

  • Legal prohibition was enacted in 1919 by Constitutional Amendment.

  • The Women’s Temperance Movement is connected to women's suffrage through common leaders, as well as enemies. the combination of two largely controversial issues did not translate well into mainstream politics.

Frequently Asked Questions about Women's Temperance Movement

A social movement founded in 1874 in the United States by Christian women with the goal of a federal ban on the sale and manufacture of alcohol. 

The women’s temperance movement was one of the first national (and later international) organizations of women with a unifying goal that had an impact on legislation. 

The movement was led by women, prominent figures being Frances Willard, Carry Nation, Annie Turner Wittenmyer, and Mary Hannah Hanchett Hunt. 

Women were organized under the belief that society could be improved through their efforts, and this carried over into the suffrage movement. 

Women’s rights were becoming more of a prominent issue in the United States after the Civil War. The Civil War exposed many societal problems that mainly affected women and children. The temperance movement was part of women striving to use legislative change to improve their lives. 

More about Women's Temperance Movement

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