
As a young man in the 1870s, Frederick Taylor rose from an apprentice to a machinist, an engineer, and finally into management at a hydraulics company and then a steel company. Having grown from being a worker, Taylor was aware that the workers were capable of much higher output than they were producing.  Taylor turned his mind towards engineering the best possible performance from his workers.  His radical ideas were published in his books, such as Shop Management and The Principles of Scientific Management, in 1903 and 1911, which created management as a field of study.  Continue reading to learn more about the influence of Taylorism on business and industry in the United States! 

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As a young man in the 1870s, Frederick Taylor rose from an apprentice to a machinist, an engineer, and finally into management at a hydraulics company and then a steel company. Having grown from being a worker, Taylor was aware that the workers were capable of much higher output than they were producing. Taylor turned his mind towards engineering the best possible performance from his workers. His radical ideas were published in his books, such as Shop Management and The Principles of Scientific Management, in 1903 and 1911, which created management as a field of study. Continue reading to learn more about the influence of Taylorism on business and industry in the United States!

US History frederick winslow taylor StudySmarterFig.1 Frederick Winslow Taylor

Taylorism Definition

Taylorism, also known as, scientific management, is the management theory developed by engineer Fred W. Taylor. Taylor used his skill as an engineer to analyze the mechanics of human movement. Taylor is most known for using a stopwatch to time every move an employee made while conducting a repetitive task and identifying any deficiencies where motion could be eliminated to make work as efficient as possible. Taylor himself also argued that the employee needed proper tools, training, and incentives to be effective a worker. By identifying not just where the employee could improve but how the organization could provide what the employee needed to facilitate and encourage their job performance, Taylorism sought to improve business efficiency.

Taylorism: The process of dividing work processes into their simplest tasks to drive employee efficiency

In the past, the man has been first; in the future, the system must be first - Frederick W. Taylor1

US History timing and taking notes for Taylorism StudySmarterFig.2 - Timing and Taking Notes

Features of Taylorism

Before Taylor, management training was concerned primarily with bookkeeping. Scientific Management invented management as a field of study. The features of Taylorism were common sense in later generations but were revolutionary ideas at the time about not just work but the relationship between workers to managers.

Develop a Science

Taylorism's first and most central feature is that there is the best way to perform any work. Taylor was famous for watching every movement a worker made with a stopwatch to determine where slight changes that resulted in saving just seconds per repetition of action could result in more considerable time savings across a worker's day as the step was repeated. Studying and analyzing any task to determine the best way to perform that action is the essence of Taylorism.

Although some workers viewed Taylorism as trying to get too much out of them, Taylor was an innovator by introducing regular breaks during the workday. Workers spent their entire work day at their tasks with no breaks. Managers at the time disagreed when Taylor came up with giving workers regular, designated break periods throughout the day. It turned out that periods of high activity with assigned rest periods throughout the day resulted in much higher productivity.

Competence and Training

Taylor had grown up in the Spoils System and Machine Politics era. Nepotism and favoritism were not features only of politics but much of society. Taylor shifted away from the practice of hiring and promoting people with connections and instead hired and promoted those with the highest aptitude and competence. Taylor also innovated by training workers and developing their skills. At the time, employees were thrown into jobs based on their connections; Taylor believed in taking the best employees and creating them.

Working with Employees

Taylor existed in a time of strife between classes, workers, and employers. With Taylorism, he presented that these conflicts were counter to both interests. The idea that high wages and low labor costs could coexist through cooperatively making work more efficient was a radical departure from the thinking of the time. Amidst constant labor strikes at the turn of the twentieth century, Taylor urged cooperation.

Division of Responsibility

Taylor identified two problematic practices of bosses, coercion at one extreme and leaving employees to their "own unaided devices" at the other. While management in his time placed productivity wholly on the worker, Taylor sought ways for management to drive productivity. This involved preparing what the employee needed, from tools to knowledge. He viewed the role of the boss as to teach and "provide friendly help," as opposed to the inattention or harsh demands that managers at the time provided their employees.

US History The Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow Taylor StudySmarterFig.3 - The Principles of Scientific Management Title Page

Criticism of Taylorism

The earliest critics of Taylorism were his employees. Some workers threatened to shoot Taylor over his attempts to increase their productivity. They would not be his only critics, though, as academics and labor leaders questioned Scientific Management and its effects on the worker.

Lack of Humanity

The primary criticism of Taylorism is that as he turned his engineer's mind to human tasks, he blurred the line between the workers and the tools they used. Removing autonomy from workers ignores their motivation to receive personal satisfaction from performing their job well and replaces that with just their wages. His critics, especially Marxists, strongly noted the dehumanizing effect of Taylorism.

Loss of Innovation

The other criticism of Taylorism is its belief in finding the best way to do things. Not allowing employees to perform work their way eliminates the possibility that an employee may discover an even more effective way of achieving their tasks. It also can reduce employees feeling of ownership and responsibility.

US History Henry Ford  StudySmarterFig.4 - Henry Ford

Taylorism vs. Fordism

Fordism can be described as implementation or variation of Taylorism. Henry Ford hired Fred Taylor himself to study Ford's workers. With Taylor's findings, Ford didn't just make the workers' motions more efficient but stepped back to reconsider the entire process. He invented the assembly line by breaking each task down to its tiniest elements and assigning each small task to a worker who performed it as the produced item moved down the line. Keeping the worker stationary and moving the product was another revolutionary concept in manufacturing. One significant difference in these ideas is that Taylor believed in training to develop highly skilled employees. In contrast, Henry Ford reduced production to repetitive and straightforward tasks that unskilled workers could perform.

Taylorism - Key takeaways

  • Developed by Frederick W. Taylor and expressed in The Principles of Scientific Management
  • Studied work and the actions of workers to find the most efficient way to perform them
  • Placed value on training
  • Encouraged hiring and promotion based on competence
  • Believed in higher pay for higher performance
  • Created management as a field of study


  1. Frederick W. Taylor. The Principles of Scientific Management.

Frequently Asked Questions about Taylorism

Taylorism is the idea that science should be used to determine the most effective way for workers to perform tasks,  It also supports hiring and promotion based on competence, training workers and management, and paying workers for high performance. 

Taylorism began in the 1880s.  

Taylorism is the idea that science should be used to determine the most effective way for workers to perform tasks,  It also supports hiring and promotion based on competence, training workers and management, and paying workers for high performance.

The ideas of Taylor are still popular today with business leaders. 

The most important advantage of Taylorism is identifying where a process can be improved. 

Test your knowledge with multiple choice flashcards

On what basis did Taylorism believe that workers should be hired or promoted?

What did Taylor think employees needed to perform well?

What did Taylor introduce into the work day which improved production?


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